𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞

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I only blinked once

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I only blinked once.

Not twice. Not even three times.


That's when everything had changed yet again.

I was in what seemed like some sort of... office building. It looked like it came from the 18th century. My ancestor was there, but she seemed... like her mind was elsewhere. Her eyes were dull and wide, her expression seemed shocked, and... she was wearing a black dress and hat. Luciana was sitting down on some sort of chair next to a door, and from the other side, I could hear the sounds of men arguing and screaming with each other, as the sounds of women trying to calm them down were quickly overlapped.

"The corpse of Lord Huxley was found on thy land," One man screamed. "What doth that say to us?!" Lucy flinched at the sound. From my position on the opposite side of the door, I could hear the argument ensue. "The place where he was found means nought. We hast to speak to the last person whom saw him alive. We hast to speak to Lady Emerson," another male voice answered. That was when the sound of two hands slamming down on the table filled my ears. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Luciana flinch.

"I won't let thou anywhere near mine daughter!" The first man screamed. "Not when she's mourning the loss of her friend!" That's when I realized... they were talking about Luciana. And she seemed to realize it, too. "Thou art  not mine father.... he passed nine years ago..." she muttered to herself. "Please calm down, mine lord," A female voice tried to reason. "Belike it had been beneficial for Luciana to share her side towards the matter." The area fell silent for a few seconds before the first man spoke up once more.

"Alright. Luciana shall speak her side, yet I shall not let thou near her, no matter what. Understood?" The first man finally agreed, and silence followed. "Bring her to me, love." The sounds of footsteps approached the doors, and the door closest to me open. I couldn't see the woman that had opened it, but I assumed she was Luciana's mother. "Thy father requests thy presence, daughter," she told her. Luciana only turned to her mother with the same wide stare she had when she sat there.

"James is mine lord, mother. He is not mine father."

So this man was... her stepfather? I understood how she was feeling. I couldn't imagine anyone taking Dad's place in my life. Doggy, Pony, and even Tigry... there were times when I saw them as father figures, but they couldn't replace Dad. "Enough with that skimble-skamble stuff, Luciana. Now join us," her mother disciplined with a scoff. Luciana remained silent, but she eventually stood up and followed her mother into the room. I was also able to sneak in before the door shut on me.

"The head can easily be persuaded, dear."

I gasped and snapped my head, and I almost groaned when I saw the mastermind behind the mess I was in standing behind me with a menacing smile on his face. I overheard someone asking Luciana to tell her side of the story, but I was too focused on my rival to pay attention. "You've already witnessed the results that came with just a tiny bit of convincing..." Huxley explained as he walked over to the human man... James, I presumed. "... that scientist... that horse friend of yours... even the infamous criminal whose heart belonged to your sister..."

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