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Rose always enjoyed the iconic reunion scenes in her romance dramas

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Rose always enjoyed the iconic reunion scenes in her romance dramas.

Court of the Immortals was probably her favorite show. I would know because Rose forced me to watch every single season with her. It revolved around a young princess who was placed into an arranged marriage with a prince from another kingdom. What she didn't know was that he was immortal. She struggles to adapt to her new environment, and the show's external forces put her ability to survive and love for the prince to the test.

One of said external forces ended up being kidnappers at the end of the third season. Apparently, the prince had locked up criminals the kidnappers were acquainted with, so they kidnapped the princess for revenge. A large skirmish occurs between the prince and his troops and the kidnappers. Overwhelmed by all the fighting, the princess ran away, which sent the prince into a spiral of panic. After a few minutes of searching, the main leads finally found each other.

The princess ran into the prince's arms, and he hugged her as tightly as he could in response. The two of them shed an ocean of tears as they breathed in each other's scents and ate of every ounce of relief they felt simply for knowing that the other was okay. Even though I wasn't interested in the show whatsoever, I was surprised at the prince's reaction because he showed no interest in wanting more than a diplomatic relationship with the princess. "It's so beautiful," my sister had sobbed as the credits rolled. "If only I could see that moment for myself."

She may not be able to, but I knew I was going to.

A few seconds after I asked for Georgie, I noticed him struggle to open the dented doors wide enough for him to slip through. I had to stop myself from chuckling as he nearly fell over. He was still as clumsy as ever. It was kind of cute. As he was regaining his composure, I turned my head away so that he wouldn't see the scar on my eye. "Georgie," I began as I walked to the side. "I have a surprise for you." When I looked back at him, a smile formed on my lips at his shock.

"Consider it my thanks. For always being with me... at my lowest and my highest."


I turned away as soon as my best friend cried out his sister's name. It was easy to tell what was going on based on the sounds I heard behind me. Georgie rushed into his sister's arms and nearly knocked her over. I couldn't make out the rest of what he and his family were saying because of their sobbing, but I knew it was something similar to what the prince and princess were saying to each other in Court of the Immortals. The feeling also felt similar to the show.

I decided to spare a glance at the Piggy family, and I saw that they were all embracing one another, holding onto each other as tight as they could as if one of them would dissappear the second they let go. I didn't know why, but for some reason, I couldn't look away. I didn't want to seem rude for staring at them during their special moment, but seeing them the way they were now made me feel things. A lot of things. All at the same time.

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