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I left the bathroom with my hair wet and a robe around my body

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I left the bathroom with my hair wet and a robe around my body.

All I wanted was to go to my room, fall down on my bed, and never get up. Three years of mostly peace and quiet all came down to this. After the incident at the mall, I couldn't help but feel like something was off. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to tell what exactly that feeling was, either. It was the occasional headaches, but at the same time, it was my monthly cramps. However, it was also the annoying pimples I would get. No matter where it was on or in my body, it was there, and it wouldn't go away.

I let out a silent but annoyed sigh as I entered my bedroom before closing the door behind me. Georgie wasn't inside, so I was able to change without feeling anxious about being caught. I decided to put on another oversized T-shirt along with some pajama pants. It may have been spring, but that didn't stop the room from getting very cold in the middle of the night. Once I was done changing, I put my hair in a few hair curlers. Since my hair was a bit damaged from the lack of showering for a month, Mimi had asked me to avoid using heat products.

I was about to let out a sigh, but I quickly held it back as I heard someone enter the room. I looked to my left to find Georgie standing in front of the door. "Hey," he greeted as he slowly shut the door behind him. "Hi," I replied, trying to seem as calm as possible and pretending like the events at the furniture store didn't happen. However, he must've seen through my facade and sat down next to me on my bed. "Are you alright?" He asked. "You've been shaken up ever since you got back from the mall."

I bit my lip and looked down at my hands, filled with both blood and scars, before parting my lips to speak. "Yeah... yeah, I'm fine," I lied. "I, uh... I had a nightmare last night, so I got reminded of some past events." Georgie seemed hesitant, but he nodded at the response I had come up with on the spot, much to my relief. "Well, alright, then..." he replied. "Just make sure to take your pills before going to sleep, alright?" I nodded at him almost immediately. Whenever I had trouble falling asleep at night, I took a melatonin pill along with some water. It reminded me of the month I spent in the forest with Doggy.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," I reminded him before reaching for the top drawer on my bedside table. I pulled it open before taking out a small bottle that was sitting inside. As soon as I opened it, I let one of the many pills inside fall into my hands before putting it in my mouth under my tongue. I put the bottle back into the drawer before closing it and turning back to Georgie, giving him a thumbs up shortly after.

He smiled and reciprocated the gesture before getting up from my bed and heading to his own. I assumed that he was most likely going to go to sleep. It wasn't late, not much had passed since eight o'clock, but while I was a night owl, he was an early bird. That was only one of the many things that differed us. He liked his own things, and I liked my own things. However, we had always managed to meet in the middle somehow. I assumed that that was what best friends did.

Since the lights inside of the room were already turned off, I reached my hand towards the lamp on my bedside table from my position on the bed. After I turned the light off, the only things illuminating the room were the fairy lights I had found earlier, and even then, they were on dim mode, so the room was nearly submerged in darkness. I knew that I wasn't going to go to sleep anytime soon, but I also didn't want to disturb Georgie while he slept, so I pulled my bed desk out from under my bed and set it in front of me.

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