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The days had passed relatively quickly ever since Aion was gone from the Malfoy Manor and before Aine realized it, a month and a half had gone by since the last time she saw her brother. The previous confrontation she had with him was right before she went to Dartmoor forest to search for Harry, Ron, Hermione and the Hales. 

It was still surreal for her to keep on living without Aion by her side and it took some time to get used to his absence and how he was never coming back to the manor. Nevertheless, she had another reason to go on. One of the last few people in her life that she had to live for to protect and keep fighting. 

And that was none other than Draco Malfoy.

There he was, sitting in one of the seats at the long ornate table. His silver eyes brightened up instantly when he saw her coming into the room, finding strength in her presence. It had been a long tiring day of another Deatheater meeting and his energy was depleting like an open dam. 

Aine shot him a quick smile as she caressed Nagini who slithered to greet her. The serpent companion of her father has been quite affectionate to her as of late after what happened on the night she found out about her brother's 'death'. Whether Nagini feared her or sensed the change of who the new predominant being was in the group, Aine wasn't quite sure. She was just glad that she was able to tame the snake now because that meant one less being she had to deal with.

To fight monsters, she had to become a monster. To fight evil, she was already plagued with it.

As usual, she ignores the many pairs of eyes darting in her direction. Heads were lowered almost right away so that they were looking at their laps or the array of food displayed in front of them. Her eyes twitched slightly at the searing sensation crawling up her forearm, spreading from the Dark Mark. Maybe it was how often the Dark Lorde had used the mark to call his pawns that Aine had grown accustomed to the pain. She was desensitized by it now unlike before when it used to bother her how painful it was, just like hot knives sinking into her flesh, burning her veins and boiling her blood.

In the same way, her blood bubbles with rage when she meets the arrogant smirk of the young man sitting near the end of the table.

Ah... He's still here. Still very much alive...

And she was still very much tempted to finish him off.

"Won't you sit down, daughter? We've been waiting for you," a voice urges at the head of the table. He gestures with his bone-white hand to the throne-looking seat next to him.

Aine removed her hand from Nagini's head and sighed through her nose. She didn't reply but did as told anyway. She crossed her legs and rested her clasped hands on top of her knees, her attention solely on her lover across her and the glistening silverware perfectly arranged on either side of her table mat. She taps her fingers on her knuckles, watching Pettigrew shakily fill some of the Deatheater's cups with alcohol while hers remained with water. She wasn't of age yet to drink after all though she would very much like to be drunk right now instead of dealing with whatever her father was planning.

Nagini hisses softly at Pettigrew when he falters slightly at the sight of her. The Dark Lord snickered to himself as he stroked the great snake to calm her down. He takes a sip of the deep red drink, savouring it as he takes pleasure in his soldier's discomfort and company.

Wanting to get on with the night, Aine finally spoke. "I'm sure you didn't call me here for a family meal, Father," she said coldly, keeping her gaze glued to the exceptionally shiny and attractive knife that she found her reflection in. It was sleek and somewhat decorative; the handle had scales carved on it with some black iridescent shells that shone when the light hit. "So, why don't you stop beating around the bush and get on with it?" 

UNLEASH | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 6)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant