Obvious - Aether

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The sky was slowly fading to a deep dusty blue. A few early stars twinkled at the horizon, and children were impatiently waiting to release their lanterns. The New Year in Liyue was truly a sight to behold, and you were excited to witness your first Lantern Rite.

"Heyyy!" You turned to see Aether and Paimon waving with food in hand, and you smiled. "I got us some grilled tiger fish!"

He looked so happy with the skewers in hand. It was precious.

You wove through the throng and made your way to his side. "Great! Let's get a better view." You grinned and took his arm, pulling him and Paimon through the crowd and up the nearest set of stairs, all the way to the top of the tea house. It was much darker now, and the city was mostly lit by Xiao lanterns.

"Stop bouncing like that; you're gonna fall off the ledge," Aether laughed. 

"No I won't! I'm holding the ledge, see?" You jumped up and down against the railing to prove your point, but strong arms wrapped around your waist and gently pulled you back. You looked over your shoulder, surprised, and were met face to very close face with Aether.

"You're worrying me," he said, his voice soft. You felt your cheeks heat up and you looked down.

"O-oh. Sorry."

"It's okay. Let's go to the roof so you don't have to jump to see, okay?"

You smiled. "Okay. "

The process of getting to the roof was a laborious and complicated one. You had to put the tiger fish skewers in your mouth so that Aether could lift you up, and then Paimon used all her weight to pull you onto the roof. Gasping and laughing, you shoved the skewers at Paimon and pulled Aether up beside you. The two of you collapsed together on the roof, giggling like madmen.

"Will you two stop it and be serious??" Paimon whined. "The smell of this tiger fish is making me hungry! I'm gonna eat your shares if you don't take them from me!"

You and Aether finally sat up and took the food from her. 

"Sorry, Paimon," he said, still laughing softly.

"Yeah, sorry," you said between giggles. Then you saw the sky.

You gasped and sat straight up, the tiger fish falling from your limp grasp. You hardly noticed Paimon's shout as she caught it before it hit the roof.

"Wow . . ."

The horizon by the sea was still stained pink and purple, but a few gold clouds shimmered across the sea. The waves rippled and sparkled like nothing you'd ever seen, and as you raised your eyes you could see that the stars matched the sea. Xiao lanterns were starting to rise from the streets and fill the air, and they mingled with the stars as if teaching them how to dance.

"Aether, look—!" You grabbed his arm and pointed at the sight. "It's so beautiful. I never expected anything to be so gold and shimmery. Do you always see things like this—?"

You turned to him, but his eyes were already on you. As if they had never left.

"Aether, you're missing it!" You laughed a little and tilted your head towards the sea.


"Ugh, this is boring! I'm going to find more food." Paimon zoomed off, but you thought she winked at Aether before she did. That was odd. You turned your attention back to Aether, who hadn't stopped looking at you.

"Youuu okay?"

"Y/N, your eyes . . . I—" he looked away, cheeks red. "I can see the stars in them. You . . . you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

The back of your neck heated and you became very aware of how close the two of you were. Sitting here on this rippled red roof, being pushed together by gravity and the night air, lanterns and stars swirling above your heads, you almost couldn't believe that you hadn't kissed him yet.

And so you did.

And he kissed you back.

You felt his hands in your hair and you deepened the kiss, pulling yourself closer to him. You broke apart for just a moment and he whispered, "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too," you whispered back.

He kissed you again, and the whole world glowed. Right then, the roof of the tea house was your favorite place in the world, and the place where your entire life changed forever.


A/N: hey everyone! i'm so sorry this is so short (and so late). college has been kind of kicking my butt and i'm working 33-36 hours a week now, so i have almost zero time for writing now, but i promise i'm constantly thinking of new stories and ways to update! i'm much more acclimated to my new schedule now so i hope i can update more often. thank you all so much for the support you've shown me! i read every comment and appreciate every vote. i really hope you all have a wonderful new year!

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