She - Scaramouche

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A/N: for @IZANARIN and @cananchan



"What is this between us?" he asked, though it was more statement than question. You looked at your travel companion curiously, but didn't slow your pace. A moment later you had to look back down at the ground to avoid tripping over an exposed root.

"What do you mean?" you finally responded. He helped you pick your way through the dense undergrowth, but released your hands as soon as you were through.

"Just—you know" —he lifted a hanging vine for you— "this."

"Waving your hands between us is not helping," you teased. "Just say what's on your mind." Nervousness and hope were rising in your chest. You had an idea of what he meant, but there was no way you were going to say it. What if you were wrong?

He cleared his throat once, twice.

"We've been traveling together for a while now," he started. "Ever since you helped me in Inazuma."

"Yes," you said, amused. "I remember." His cheeks turned pink and he scowled.

"Shut up! I'm being serious."

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry." You looked at him expectantly.

"I just . . . I feel a lot . . . closer . . . to you. Closer than I have to anyone in a long time. It . . . makes me feel weird."

"What kind of weird? A bad weird?" Anxiety pressed against your throat.

"No! No. At least, I don't think so. It was weird at first, but now it's . . . nice."

"Oh." You lifted a curtain of leaves for him to step through. You followed after, and the two of you found yourselves in a dim cave, lit only by the bioluminescent mushrooms on the walls. You changed the subject. "If my maps are correct, this should come out in Mawtiyima Forest."


The two of you continued on through the cramped cave, and soon all sunlight disappeared. For a short while, it was fully dark. You fumbled for his hand in the darkness and held on tight. Then, almost unexpectedly, the cave tunnel opened to a wide room, lit fully by glowing mushrooms. Yellow, blue, purple, white—all the colors swirled together in a vision of beauty. You took a step forward, and heel met water. Scaramouche pulled you back before you fell into the underground pool.

"Careful," he said, his voice hushed in the quiet stillness of the cave. "I've got you."

You felt your cheeks turn warm and nodded, knowing that if you spoke it would be only in squeaks.

"It doesn't look like there's a way out of here," he mused, walking the perimeter of the cave. Looking around it now, you realized it was much smaller than you had originally thought. You brought your map out, frowning.

"I don't understand. I don't think we took any wrong turns. It should be here."

You took a step towards the wall where there should have been an opening, and the stone beneath your feet sank into the ground. The walls trembled and dust rained down from the ceiling.

"Watch out!" Scaramouche dove for you and knocked you to the ground, curling his body around yours to shield you from the falling rocks.

They never came. He looked around.

"Ah . . . sorry. I guess I assumed the worst." He stood up, unable to look at you as you stood and dusted yourself off.

"It's ok. Let's head out and find a different way." He nodded and you headed for the exit, only to find that it was gone. "What!? It was here! It has to be here!" You frantically patted the wall, searching for a seam or a lever or something. "It has to be—"

He pulled your hands away, holding them tightly in his. "Y/N. Stop. There's nothing there."


He grabbed your chin and tilted your face away from the stone so you were looking at him. His grip softened. "It's ok. We'll find another way out." You nodded.

For the next half hour, you searched fruitlessly for any way to get out of the cave. Scaramouche even dove into the underground pool and felt around for a secret mechanism. There was nothing.

Eventually, the two of you leaned against a part of the wall that was mostly clear of fungus.

"I'm sorry," you said after a while. The guilt had been eating at you.

"What do you mean?" His gaze was fixed at the ceiling of the cave.

"I got us stuck here. I thought the map was right and I brought us here and—"

He was in front of you. "Hey, stop. I mean it. Stop."

You looked up, unsure. The light swam and blurred in your teary eyes. "What . . . ?"

"This isn't your fault. We followed the map. Some mechanism trapped us in here, which means there's a way out. We're just taking a break until we find it. Okay?"

You nodded, wiping your eyes. "Sorry, Scara."

He looked taken aback. "You . . . you haven't called me that in a while."

"You said I could, didn't you?" You smiled a little.

"Y-yeah—sorry—I just—" He leaned back and stared at the ceiling. "I've been thinking about my name. I feel like it doesn't suit me anymore, with how attached it is to my past."

You nodded slowly. "Yeah, that makes sense. What do you want to do about it?"

He hesitated. "I . . . I think I'd like it if you would give me a new name."

You blushed. "Oh—well—are you sure—?"

"Yeah." He looked at you again. "If you want to."

"I don't know if I'll do a good job. You don't have to go by what I choose."

"I'm sure whatever you choose will be perfect."

You thought for a long while. After several minutes, you sat up straight.

"I think I have something."

"Oh yeah?"

"It's gonna sound cheesy."

"Just tell me."

"Well . . . I thought about it, and two words came to mind. You want to be free, and you kind of remind me of the wind. And Mondstadt is the city of wind and freedom, so I thought since the words were already correlated . . . anyway, furīdamu means freedom, and kaze means wind, so I thought maybe Furīkaze?"

He stared at you.

"Is it . . . bad?"

"It's perfect. Thank you, Y/N."

Your cheeks heated. "You're welcome, Kaze."

He blushed, and suddenly you realized how close you were.

"I . . . ." he leaned closer. His hand landed on the wall behind you and your breath caught. His lips brushed yours, and—!

The wall behind you slid open and you fell backwards, landing with a thud, Furīkaze right on top of you.

"Oh—" you both said at the same time.



He carefully climbed off of you and stood, offering his hand.

You took it, and when you stood, you didn't let go.

"I guess the exit is this way."

"Yeah. I guess so." He smiled, and together you set off for the forests of Sumeru.


A/N: I'm working on the sequel for the Fatui chapter as well as some other requests!

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