2: TBS

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   Once we pulled up to the Starbucks drive through my dad order three drinks, one for my mom, himself and I.

"Thanks dad!! This is the best way to end the week!!" I say once he hands me my drink with a smile.

"You're very welcome Bails", he smiles and I laugh at the nickname.

We drive the 15 minutes home from our detour and park into the garage. I get out of the front seat, making sure to leave the door open, and grab my backpack from out of the back seat. I can smell the pasta that my mom was cooking from the open door that led to the kitchen, so I quickly grabbed my Starbucks making sure all the car doors were shut before I went inside to sit down.

"Hey mom!!" I say walking in to give her a hug.

"Hey Baileyyyy, you doing okay? You never give me hugs..." she asks letting go of me. I mean she isn't wrong, normally I hate hugs and stuff like that.

"Yeah I feel fine, I just felt like it, I don't know" I say shrugging my shoulders, "but I do know that I'm going to watch some of the Maze Runner before dinner if that's okay." I ask walking over to the couch after my shoes were off.

"Yeah of course, food will be done in about 20 minutes so don't get too comfortable over there." She says and I can just hear the smile in her voice. That's the cool thing about my parents is that you don't even have to look at them to know how their body language is or what their facial expression are. I don't know how they do that or how I can know, but they do and I just know.

As I'm watching the maze runner, getting lost in my thoughts, I heard a loud yell come from behind me.

"AH- what the heck, who did that?!?" I yell, whipping my head around to see none other than my dad laughing and my mom trying not to laugh at what just happened.

"Well B- I felt like because someone got distracted by a certain someone on the screen, I had to scare you" he says still laughing, and referring to Newt from the maze runner, "also dinners ready, so come sit down."

"Okay- first off can you blame a girl for being distracted by Thomas Brodie Sangster, I mean just look at him" I say, causing all of us to laugh as we start to eat THE best pasta that mom made for us.

"Sooo mom, how was work today?" I ask after about 10 minutes into dinner.

"Ummm, you know it was...." She says taking a bite of pasta, looking towards my dad, "it was good, boring per usual though, you know?" She says looking between me and my dad.

Time skip- after dinner is done

"Hey I'm going to go upstairs to get ready for dance, and then I'll be back down." I slightly shout, only because I'm walking upstairs and facing the other direction.

"Okay, hurry though, we have 20 minutes before we have to leave." I heard my mom shout, but not in one of those mean tones. She always does that, I don't think I've ever heard my parents yell.

Once I make it to my room, I pick out my outfit for dance. Which is black Nike pros, tan tights, and a hot pink tank top. I also throw on a jacket too, because the studio can be cold at first. I pull my hair back into a ponytail and put my shoes on. I make sure my dance bag has everything it needs and then I head downstairs to leave.

"Okay I'm ready! Hey mom did you do my water bottle by any chance?" I ask walking down the stairs.

"Shhh- and yes I did. And I'm taking you to practice tonight because dads in a work meeting." My mom says, hading me my water and my Starbucks, "go get in the car, I'll be there in a second" She says walking over to my dad's office.

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