"Well Alex did say it differently, she said it as prizza" I said.

"Oh I have heard of prizza, I love prizza" Jason says and I start lauging. "If you love it why dont you marry it" I said.

"Maybe I will" Jason says getting his phone and ordering pizza. To this point me, Ty, and Adam are laughing out butts off. Jason turns around and joins in on the laughing when he gets done ordering us our pizza. I grab my crutches and get up to go to the bathroom.

I go into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I take off all my cloths and my leg and get in the shower. I hear a door open. Probably just the pizza man.

All of a sudden the water goes freezing and I fall out of the shower cause I cant jump with one leg that high and that far. Ty stops laughing and kneels beside me.

"Omg I am so sorry" he said. My face flushes when I notice that I have nothing covering me. He notices and gets up. I then notice Jason and Adam peeking into the bathroom.

"ADAM...JASON, ARE YOU FOR REALZ" I said. Ty turns around as he grabs the towel. He sees Adam and Jason and throws the towel over me. He then goes over to the door and push their faces out and closes the door.

He comes back over to me and helps me back up and onto the toilet seat. I sit there as he puts my leg back on for me as I hold up the towel. I make sure that he latched it on right.

"Thanks Ty even if it was your fault in the first place" I said. Ty nodded and left for me to get dressed. I get up and put on my pj's. Yes my pj's. Today was lazy day so that means movies upon movies and I can send someone out to get us some popcorn and pop.

Maybe even have the rest of the guys come and have movie day with us. I walk out in my fluffy unicorn footsie pjays with a picture of the pink fluffy unicorn's dancing on rainbow. I walk over to my bed and lay down on my belly facing towards the TV.

"Jason hand me the remote" I said reaching towards the remote which is just our of my reach. He looked over at me and gave off a small laugh. He leaned over and grabbed the remote and threw it towards me. Being the klutz I am I don't catch it.

"For realz" I say as the remote lands on the floor next to the window. I use my arms and pull myself over to the edge of the bed and reach for it but right as I was about to grab it someone pushed me off the bed. I fall and land on my back.

"OWw" I say as I look up to see Adam on my bed with a slice of pizza. I get up and see no pizza. I look at Adam.

"Where is da prizza" I say. He stops chewing and looks over at Jason. I look over at Jason to see him hugging a pizza box and Ty trying to get the box from him.

I put all my weight on my real leg and try to get up with the help of holding the bed but I fail and fall back down on my butt. I must've been loud because Jason and Ty look over at me.

"Why are you on the floor" Jason asks.

"The king pushed me" I say pointing at Adam. Ty looked over at me and Jason starts laughing. Ty gets up and pulls Adam off the bed and came over to me. He picked me up and set me on the bed and snatched the pizza box from Jason while he was laughing and hands it to me while kneeling on one knee.

"For my princess" he says. I laugh taking the pizza and look over at Jason to see him staring at the pizza with a sad face.

"Aww is the little astronaut is sad to see the pizza gone from his hands" I say and ended up laughing when he starts to fake cry. I take a paper plate and put two pieces on the plate and nudge Jason while Ty is talking to Adam. Jason turns to me and I put my finger on my lips to tell him to be quiet.

I then hand him the plate with the pizza and he grabbed the plate and stuffed a piece in his mouth. I go back to the box and put two pieces on another plate and put it on the other side of the bed with the name Ty on it.

I then grab my own plate and put the last two pieces on it and throw the box across the room. I then eat my pieces and then we hear a knock on the door.



That whole story was 1432 words long. This is what you guys get for not updating in a while and I also wanted you guys to know that sometime this summer I might be writing alot because I might have to have surgery on my spine cause I have 51 scoliosis.

I don't even know if i spelt that right but it means that my spine is curved and if it doesn't get fixed soon it can lead to......well bad measures and I am too grown to have a brace. So sometime this summer I might be writing cause I have to be careful for 6 weeks....which kinda sucks cause ya know ITS SUMMER.

I just wanted to let you know that and I will update you IF I do or not SO I MIGHT HAVE TO HAVE SURGERY AND STAY IN THE HOSPITAL FOR A FEW DAYZZZZ!!!! I dont like staying away for long when I have no friends there. :(

Mitch: Wait you might have to have surgery.

Me: What how you get here...in this magical writing place.

Jerome: We don't know.

Me: Idk and Idc but literally can I yell something

M&J: What??


M&J:*face palms*


Me: MORE!!

*Skylox laughing from a distance*

Bullied By My Old Friend {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now