Chapter 16

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Steve's held against a wall by Eddie with a broken beer bottle to his neck. The fear and hurt in Eddie's eyes hurt Steve. He knows why Eddie is so scared and mad. He was never supposed to be found, Steve was supposed to keep him safe. Also Steve kinda hit him with an oar so that didn't help his case. Dustin was trying to calm down Eddie and get him to let go of Steve. For some unknown reason Dustin can't remember that Steve introduced Eddie to Dustin first and Eddie in fact does know Steve.

"Eddie..." Dustin says as Eddie slides down the wall

"We just want to talk," Dustin tells Eddie as he enunciates every word. Dustin reaches for Eddie's hand and Eddie pulls away. Steve understands why.

"We want to know what happened" Robin says as she also crouches down near Eddie. Steve can tell Eddie doesn't want them all around him, Eddie's body language says it all. Eddie turns his head and sniffs and wipes his tears.

"You won't believe me" He looks back at them and says simply

"Try us" Max chimes in with a little head tilt. Steve doesn't want Eddie to know and he knows it is selfish, he knows it's wrong.

"Her body just like, lifted into the air and uh... and she just like hung there in the air" Eddie tells them fear in his eyes as well as tears building back up.

and her bones they um"

"Her BONES started to snap," Eddie flinches as he says it. Everyone looked at him with shock on their faces.

"And her eyes man it, it was like there was something like inside her head pulling." He explains in great detail.

"I didn't know what to do so I ran, I left her there" Eddie finishes telling the group about the traumatizing memory

"You all think I'm crazy right?" Eddie asks but Steve doesn't feel like the question is targeted towards him. He knows it's not.

"No we don't think you're crazy" Dustin tells Eddie with a comforting voice

"Don't bullshit me man I know how this sounds" Eddie yells

"We're not bullshitting you" Max chimes in

"We believe you," Robin says. Eddie exhales still not believing them, not that Steve's surprised everything is so unbelievable he wouldn't believe it if he didn't experience it.

"Look what I'm about to tell you might be a little... difficult to take," Dustin says

"You know how people say Hawkins is... cursed?" Dustin begins, Steve looks away and he feels guilty. Like really guilty and selfish for not wanting Eddie to know any of this.

"They're not way off." Dustin tells him

"There's another world" he continues

"A world hidden beneath Hawkins"

"Sometimes it bleeds into ours" Dustin tries to explain

"Like ghosts and shit?" Eddie asks but it comes off somewhat sarcastic.

"There are some things worse than ghosts" Max helps Dustin explain

"These monsters from this other world... we thought they were gone" Dustin tells him

"But they've come back before and that's why we needed to find you"

"If their back again, we need to know" Max says

"That night did you see anything?" Robin asks. Steve Hates how quiet he's being. He really wants to say something but he can't not with everyone around.

"Dark particles. Maybe?" Max asks, Eddie shakes his head

"It would almost look like dust swirling dust" Dustin clarifies more

"No man there was nothing you could see or uh..." Eddie says but pauses, Steve looks over at him

"Or touch" Eddie finishes, he didn't want to relive the trauma again.

"You know i tried to wake her man, she couldn't move" Eddie says almost like he was only thinking it and didn't mean to say it out loud,

"It was like she was in a trance or something" Eddie finishes his thought

"Or under a spell" Dustin says

"A curse" Eddie says more to Dustin than anyone

"Vecna's curse" Dustin realizes

"Who's Vecna?" Steve finally speaks up. The name sounded familiar to Steve either from one of Eddie's rants or one of Dustin's

"An undead creature of great power" Dustin explains not taking his eyes off Eddie

"A spell caster" Eddie adds to Dustin
"A dark wizard," Dustin says. Steve won't lie the way Eddie and Dustin were talking to each other he was jealous. The way they went back and forth basically knew what the other was going to say before they said it hurt Steve a little. He knows it's stupid but after he broke up with Eddie the only people he really had left were Dustin and Robin and Dustin got so close with Eddie it stung a bit.  

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