Chapter 15

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Steve and Robin are working the cash at their job at the video store. Everything is fairly fine except for the fact that his ex-boyfriend is running from something from the upside down and he's the only one who knows about it. Yes, he knows he has to tell them soon but it's just going to be a big mess and he can't deal with that.

"Steve, are you even listening to me?" Robin asks snapping him out of his daze

"Yeah of course" Steve lies

"Oh, so you think it's a bad idea?" Robin asks him

"I mean obviously" Steve plays it off and Robin gives him a look

"I mean it's terrible" Steve tries

"Okay fine I wasn't but I got stuff going on okay" Steve admits

"What stuff Steve your stuff is my stuff," Robin says

"Please drop it" Steve begs. Robin shrugs and they go back to work.

The doorbell rings and Steve and Robin are too busy bothered by the murder being announced on the news to look at who entered.

"Hey Steve," Dustin says

"You see this?" Steves asks, trying to act like he didn't already know Chrissy died.

"How many phones do you have?" Dustin ignores him

"Someone was murdered" Steve explains

"How many phones do you have?" Dustin yells

"Uh two, why?" Steve tells him

"Technically three if you count Keiths in the back" Robin jumps in

"That will work," Max says and announces herself in doing so.

"What are you doing?" Steve questions his brother like figure

"Wow- what are you doing?" Steve yells as Dustin throws his bag over the counter

"My pile!" Robin yells at the same time. Dustin hops the counter

"No, no, no! My tapes!" Steve says as Dustin kicks them as his legs go over the desk

"What the hell are you doing man?" Steve asks in frustration

"Setting up base of operations here" Dustin explains as he takes over the computer

"Base of operations?" Robin questions.

"Get off" Steve demands

"I need it" Dustin ignores him once again

"For what?" Steve is getting really tired of asking questions

"Eddies friends phone numbers," Dustin says like it's the most obvious thing ever

"Oh Eddie, your new best friend you think is cooler than me because he plays your nerdy game?" Steve asks. Yes he was jealous because Eddie had managed to steal Dustin after their break up and Dustin doesn't seem to remember that Steve and Eddie were 'friends'

"Eddie, yes" Dustin drags out the name

"I never said that." Dustin states. Steve gives a blank look

"Seriously guys, maybe on a Monday you can play around in here like toddlers, but it's Saturday our busiest day," Robin says clearly very annoyed as she cleans up the mess the children made.

"Robin, I totally empathize but this CANNOT wait until Monday" Dustin exclaims

"Oh my god" Steve sighs

"Calling Eddie's friends is an emergency?" Robin asks knowing the answer is no

"CORRECT!" Dustin yells. Steve walks over to Robin to help her clean

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