Chapter 5

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It had been months since Steve and Eddie started hanging out. Eddie and Steve had a new system. Steve would come over almost every day and spend the night. It was easier to do being on winter break but when it was going on Steve would drive Eddie to school because half the time his van didn't work. Christmas passed and it was now new years eve and both Steve and Eddie were at a party. Steve was going to be driving so he only had one drink at the beginning of the party. Everything was going great Eddie saw some of his friends so he went to talk to them and Steve was left alone. He talked to a few girls and a couple of people he knew but he was mostly alone.

"Where the hell is Munson?" Steve asks himself. He looks around the house and spots the metal head.

"Eddie, where the hell have you been?" Steve asks

"Stevie I missed you" Eddie slurs his words

"Alright let's go you're wasted," Steve says and takes Eddies arm

"But steve it's no midnight yet" Eddie pouts

"Eddie come on let's go," Steve says. As he tries to get Eddie to leave he starts to remember Halloween and what happened between him and Nancy.

"Please Eddie" Steve gives Eddie his best puppy dog eyes

"Fine" Eddie says and they go outside.

Steve is trying to get Eddie in his car but the other male wasn't working with him.

"Eddie please work with me here" Steve whines

"Anything for you Stevie" Eddie slurs and smiles

"Just get in the car," Steve tells him. The more he talked to drunk Eddie the more he remembered the night Nancy broke his heart. He's over Nancy. He's been over her since he saw Eddie that night. But the way Eddie is acting makes him not want to tell Eddie how madly in love he is with him. Some days he wanted to shout to the world he was in love with a boy named Eddie and some days he wanted to lay in bed and die over it. Yes, all though it's only been a few months since they've been friends Steve fell fast and hard for Eddie Munson. It started out as a normal small crush, something he thought he'd get over, but the more time he spent with Eddie the more things he found out about him the more in love he fell. Every tiny detail about Eddie took over his brain and it was all he could think about.

"Your place or mine?" Steve asks not to take his eyes off the road.

"Wow, Stevie is that all you want from me" Eddie jokes. Steve's face goes red

"Don't be stupid Munson" Steve tries to clear his head of the thought of Eddie and him doing anything other than something platonic.

"Mhm Stevie don't get all flustered it was a joke" Eddie giggled. Freaking giggled.

"Shut up" Steve mutters and nudges Eddie.

Steve just drove to his house because Eddie never told him which one to go to. He got out and walked around the car to get Eddie out. He practically carried him inside.

"Eddie let's go upstairs" Steve whispers at this point Eddie is pretty much asleep. He leads Eddie to his room.

"Munson come on get ready for bed," Steve tells Eddie

"Do it for me, Stevie?" Eddie asks with a pout and puppy dog eyes. Steve starts by taking off his rings and the chains on his pants.

"Arms up Munson" Steve commands.

"Bossy" Eddie mutters under his breath

"I heard that" Steve bites back. Steve takes off Eddie's shirt in a completely platonic way sadly and walks over to his closet to find something for Eddie.

"Put these on" Steve threw a shirt and a pair of pants at the boy.

"And I am not taking off your pants" Steve protests. Eddie outs over it.

"But Steviee" Eddie whines

"No Eddie, I will only go so far now, put the pants on and I'll get you water," Steve says and leaves the room.

He needed to breathe. Being around Eddie and literally undressing him almost made steve have a panic attack,

"You got this Steve so what if you thought maybe you'd kiss him tonight" Steve was mumbling to himself
"You'll tell him when he's sober" Steve was encouraging himself. Steve had a whole plan because of how flirty Eddie had been he thought maybe he had a chance so he figures being with Eddie around midnight and if he kissed him then Steve would tell him how in love he is with him but he forgot about the alcohol and the plan had been postponed.

Steve walked back up to his room where Eddie was and handed him some painkillers and water.

"Eds on your side remember '' Steve tells him normally they'd share a bed but Eddie is drunk and he's a gentleman so he was going to sleep on the couch.

"Hey Stevie" Eddie whispers

"What's up?" Steve asks without looking at Eddie.

"I would get so mad when I saw Nancy because I have been in love with you since I first laid my eyes on you and it hurts so much" Eddie slurs tears filling his eyes and Steve's head turns to look at him confused on why Eddie would say something like this out of the blue
"Eddie stop your drunk just stop talking" Steve tries to stop Eddie from hating himself in the morning.

"I have to tell you this before it's too late Stevie" he whispers
"Eddie you don't know what you're saying" Steve keeps trying to stop him.

"I'm saying I love you" Eddie yells "I really wish you were sober right now" Steve mumbles and he leaves the room. He didn't want to, he wanted to tell Eddie everything but it wasn't the right time besides it's 1985 now so Steve had a whole year. He also didn't want another drunk confession about love. 

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