The wedding followed by a funeral

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An:Might be a bit sad

A week had passed since Mr Bennets death and Miss Lyida Bennet was now Mrs Lyida Wickam and according to her it sounded very droll.Of course Mr Wickam had indeed been bribed £1000 per annum by Mr Darcy who had to have some very big restraint not to beat him up.It was a very joyous event NOT,Mrs Bennett was still in mourning from her husband and now was suffering the wrath of Mr Colin who had turned out to be more a villain than anyone ever thought.

Mr Colin after realising he could not have Jane or Elizabeth instead he asked for Miss Mary's hand she accepted only because of her love for her family.But he was a cruel master of Longbourn and as the days went on Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy was more glad they took the two eldest Miss Bennett's with them.But Mr Darcy knew that he would need to propose to Elizabeth soon so she would be protected from that lame excuse of a man but he would wait a week or two after the funeral he said to himself.

A week after the wedding the funeral took place Miss Elizabeth was still in shock in the sudden death of her father but but was always comforted by Mr Darcy or Jane.Mr Darcy to her surprise also cried with her during the funeral he was crying of the loss of his (hopefully) future father in-law.

After the funeral ended Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley whisked Jane and Elizabeth into a carriage so they would not have to talk to Mr Colins who had started starring at the two women."Miss Bennet,Miss Elizabeth I am once against sorry for your loss"Mr Darcy addressed the two women in the carriage
"Thank you Mr Darcy"Elizabeth said

Later that day Elizabeth went for a walk in the garden while Mr Darcy was attending to business when she went walking she took a seat on a bench to cry.Mr Darcy after an hour walked to find Elizabeth so he could comfort her if he needed to and then she stumbled on to the sight of Elizabeth crying her eyes out on a bench.

He immediately ran to her and kneeled in front of her (very very close might I add)which if they were discovered her reputation could be at risk.But she was crying and it did not matter anymore"It will be okay Elizabeth"Mr Darcy soothed taking her hands in his
"I-i-i mx-m-miss him a lot"she cried.
"I miss him to"
"You do"
"Yes I hopped to call him father one day"
"You did"
"Lizzy, Mr Darcy what are you doing"shrieked a familiar voice.

It Belonged to Charlotte Lucas,John Lucas and Sir Lucas

Bewitched:Mr Darcy x Elizabeth Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin