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Tw posoin and death and talk of sexual harassment
Mr Colin was desperate he needed Longbourne and it's inhabitants in his possession so that he could bend them to his will.He manage to slip away to slip arsenic in the pot of tea given to Mr Bennett he knew from the history of Mr Bennett and his father was not good and he needed to do his father's dying wish.

He thought as he manage to slip pass Mrs Hill. He continued to think that he could marry any of the Bennett daughters except the youngest who was now engaged with a Mr Wickam.He would make Elizabeth or Jane even to marry him although he might need to compromise one of them so he could have their consent without question.

The poison was now in the pot now all he could do was sit and wait around until he died before sun down.Then he could choose which daughter to marry he did know Elizabeth was being courted by Mr Darcy and by all accounts they could not keep their eyes off of each other.But she could always grow to love him but Jane was the most beautiful thing he had seen and was always so sweet and kind to him that she would make an excellent wife to him.

He heard carriage and left to join the ladies who had barley known he had slipped away for ten minutes,When he entered Elizabeth was sat down next to Mr Darcy who was holding her hand.Mr Bingley was standing behind Jane with his hands on her shoulders this would not do.
"My dear Cousin Elizabeth I am glad that you are back and that you have brought Mr Darcy with you"Mr Colin's said with his normal temper.
"Mr Colin's"She said on cold civility as she looked desperately at Mr Darcy to save her

Then it happened the bang from the study.Everyone rushed to see him unconscious on the ground Mary checked his pulse for it to be gone Mrs Bennett went in to hysterics while Elizabeth cried which was then helped by Mr Darcy wrapping his arms around her waist so she could cry into his shoulder yet again.

Mr Bingley did the same with Jane while the three youngest daughters helped their  mother and through all that Mr Colin's was stood still happy in his triumph.

Mr Darcy had taken Elizabeth out in to the garden and was sat on a bench together when Mr Colin's caught sight of them he stayed to see what would happen though he could not hear what was being said."He was perfectly healthy before I left"Elizabeth said with her tears drying.
"I know but know you are in the care of Mr Colin's"He said not trusting the parson
"I do not trust him"
"Me too"
"He is just like his father,who was a terrible man"
"I do not want to leave you here in his care"
"I do not feel safe with him around"
"Come dine at Netherfeild Miss Bennett may join as I don't think Bingley would have any objections"
"Would you"
"For you My Elizabeth"
"I will Mr Darcy"

Mr Darcy conveyed this to Mr Bingley who was more than happy welcoming the two eldest Miss Bennett's when Elizabeth told Jane she accepted it as-well as she too did not feel safe with Mr Colin's around even though she never thought ill of anybody.

Bewitched:Mr Darcy x Elizabeth Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant