✨ O N E ✨

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The wind was whipping my hair around, catching my face as I stared out at the Black Lake. The water was so peaceful even though there was wind in the air.

The memorial was happening for Fig in the Great Hall but I couldn't bring myself to go. It was my fault, all my fault. My knees grew weak and gave out beneath me as I bowed my head whilst the tears slipped down, staining my scratched and bruised cheeks.

I felt so alone. I still had Poppy, Ominis, Natty... but the person who I needed by my side most had disappeared. After all we had been through together, he was gone. I didn't know if I would ever see him again and that thought alone left a hole in my heart. I understood he needed to leave, but without a goodbye? After everything I did for him?

I really was nothing but a pawn in his game. I was a powerful Witch... more powerful than Sebastian himself, but he managed to break me in a way I never thought possible.

Lifting my head I looked up, I could see a figure in the distance to the right of the lake but my eyes were too blurry from the tears to figure out who or what it could be.

My heart yearned for him. But he wasn't coming.


Over the summer I stayed in a room above The Three Broomsticks, Sirona very kindly offered it with no charge since I had nowhere else to go. We conjured up a bed and some essentials to get me by. I kept in touch with Ominis, we met up a couple of times. I spent a lot of time helping serve behind the bar, cleaning tables for a little bit of money and catching up with Poppy whenever she came in with her Gran. I also ran a lot of errands for the shop keepers here in Hogsmeade in return, I'd get my school stuff for next to nothing. I guess it pays to be lonely and have no one to galavant with anymore.

But now here I am, walking around Hogsmeade, to get everything I need for sixth year wishing I had a friend by my side to enjoy it with. I leave tonight, and I can almost smell the burning wood of the fire in the Gryffindor common room. The smell of home. I couldn't believe how quick the summer went. Not a single owl from him. I guess he really was gone, and maybe... just maybe it wasn't such a bad thing.

I stepped into Gladrags, my uniform should be ready now. I came in a week ago to be measured for new robes.

"Miss Whitworth! I was expecting you." Mr Hill smiled down at me as he stepped off a stool, his tape measure rolling itself up as he did so.
The person getting measured moved away, smiling politely at me.

With a flick of his wand, a package drifted off a shelf with my name written on it. "Let's try these on, shall we?"

Stepping up onto the stool, I held out my arms, and with another flick of Mr Hill's wand, the robes slipped onto me. Perfect fit, but I expected nothing less from the one and only Augustus Hill.

As he made some final alterations, I found myself staring out the window, wondering what this year would hold.
Less adventures, that's for sure.

A brown haired boy walked past, my heart leapt. It looked like... no it couldn't be. There were plenty of people that had hair like his out there. They were about the same height too.

The familiar ache I had grown used to all summer clouded over my heart. I so missed receiving owls from him, asking me to meet him to explore somewhere in the dead of night.

"All finished!" Mr Hill squeaked as the bell rang, signalling another person entering the shop. My eyes lifted to see Ominis, his wand guiding him. A warm smile spread across my face.

"Hello Ominis." I said softly, stepping off the stool and reaching out to place my hand on his arm so he knew I was there.

"Flori, Sirona said I'd find you here." His voice was soft, comforting and truth be told, I couldn't wait to be back in class with him, spending time with my friends properly. "Are you all packed ready to go back to Hogwarts?"

"Just these last few things." I said as the robes slid off me and back into the parcel packaging.

"I'll have these sent directly to your dorm, Miss Whitworth. I know you like to travel light these days."

With a nod, I thanked him before leaving the shop, arm looped with Ominis'. I wanted to ask him if he had heard from Sebastian but instead I asked him to catch me up with everything he'd been up to since he last stopped by.

"I take it you're making your own way to Hogwarts?" He tilted his head, he must have heard something from Sirona. I hadn't told him what I'd been up to in my free time this summer.

"Yeah, I think the walk will do me some good." I say as he stopped in his tracks, turning to face me. His hand reached out to touch my face.

"I will always be here for you, Flori, should you wish to talk. It does not do you any good to keep things bottled up."

Ominis never really liked me when we first met, and it certainly never bode well for me that I was a Gryffindor but somewhere along the way in fifth year, he learned to trust me the way Sebastian trusted me and now he's one of my best friends.

I gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze to acknowledge his words, but he knew I was never really someone who opened up. I was grateful for him though.

"I miss him too." He whispered, reaching up to give my hand on his shoulder a comforting squeeze.

And with that we exchanged goodbyes until later and he let his wand guide him away. Leaving me stood watching after him.

I was full of hope and dread for the year to come.


Of course, the feast was delicious. The sorting ceremony was pretty nice to see, too, since I missed it last year. My mind flashed back to Fig and Gringotts. Thinking of Fig sent an icy cold chill through me, I still couldn't believe he was gone, and it was all my fault...Last night I got little to no sleep and today, on the first day of classes, it was showing.

With a sigh, I dumped myself into my seat, wishing I was ready for Dark Arts. But I wasn't, my mind was distant, eyes tired and the moment Professor Hecat opened her mouth to begin the class, my vision went blurry and I drifted off but momentarily until someone sat themselves down beside me, jolting me awake.

"Not like you to sleep during class, Whitworth." The all too familiar voice whispered, causing my heart to stop.
I daren't turn my head. If the face matched the voice I may just break. But how I longed to see his beautiful brown eyes again.

Maybe I was still asleep.


I've been so indecisive about this it's not even funny.
Will post chapters as frequently as I can, second one should be up in a day or two! Please leave feedback, it's been a while since I wrote anything let alone a fic.

It may not stay true to the game, I don't know which way I'm gonna take it yet. But enjoy either way!


Little Lion... {Sebastian Sallow.}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu