𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻𝗲

Start from the beginning

"Two years" Aneysa responds.

"Do you not think of maybe.. starting a family one day?" Kate asks.

"We are fine with just the two of us" Aneysa looks away from Kate, hoping she'd stop talking and walk off.

"If I know one thing about men, it is that they wish to have a big family" Kate says.

Aneysa looks at Neteyam, who's holding Lo'reya up, the two of them talking together.

She smiles, finding the moment quite pure, until she realises, that she'd never be able to give him that.

And with that thought, she walks away, not wanting to see it anymore.

Aneysa sighs as she walks into the kitchen, seeing Lo'ak stood at one end, cleaning up, whilst Tuk was sat down, holding a drink in her hand.

Aneysa walks towards Tuk, taking the drink out her hand.

"Hey!" Tuk shouts.

"The juice is outside" Aneysa replies, causing Lo'ak to let out a snort.

"I'm not a child anymore. Mother said I could have a drink but only one" Tuk says.

"I know you are not a child. But you have just come into your teen years. Let's not start drinking so soon" Aneysa says before she gulps down Tuk's drink.

She swallows it, and wipes her mouth, "don't want to end up like me."

"There's a coke bottle in the fridge" Lo'ak says.

"Ugh, fine" Tuk rolls her eyes, and makes her way to the fridge.

Meanwhile, Aneysa took a seat in front of the kitchen drawer, as she pours herself another glass of champagne.

"No vodka? Anything stronger?" Aneysa asks.

"Aneysa. I'm a father. What makes you think I'd have anything stronger?" Lo'ak laughs.

"Right I'm sorry, my bad" she sighs and takes another sip of the champagne in her glass.

Lo'ak turns around to look at her, "what's going on?"

"Nothing" Aneysa shrugs.

"Then why are you sat inside my kitchen drinking my champagne?" Lo'ak takes the bottle away from her.

Aneysa sighs, "why can't people just mind their own business?"

Lo'ak looks at her puzzled before hearing her speak in a mocking tone, "do you not have any children? I had children after being married for a year. Blah blah blah."

Lo'ak laughs, as he shook his head, "people will forever be nosy. You've just got to take it in one ear and out the other."

She nods, "you're right.. what is wrong with me?"

"You are just stressed. Anyone would be, in your shoes. Don't be so hard on yourself" Lo'ak tells her.

"If it makes you feel better, having children sucks" Tuk inserts herself into the conversation, as both Lo'ak and Aneysa turn to look at her.

"Well you know, imagine you had a child and he or she turned out to be a complete moron, even when you are the most sweetest parents ever. Take Evan for example" Tuk says.

"Cockper's still after you?" Aneysa asks.

Tuk nods, "absolute dickhead."

"Hey! Language" Lo'ak tells her off.

"Right. My bad for speaking the truth" Tuk rolls her eyes and sits back down.

"Lo'ak.. I have a question" Aneysa says.

"Ask away" Lo'ak responds, as he's wiping down the kitchen drawer.

"Do you think... I feel like I'm stupid for asking this" Aneysa says.

"Just tell me. I'm all ears" Lo'ak says.

She sighs, "do you think Neteyam might get.. I don't know, bored? Of me?"

"Huh?" Tuk let out in a high pitched voice as she spat out her coke.

And Lo'ak stopped cleaning, as he looks back at Aneysa, "what makes you say that?"

"It's just.. I have nothing going on with me. I can't give him a family. I barely have a family of my own, most of them are living across the world. I don't have much to me" Aneysa says.

"Aneysa, Aneysa, Aneysa" Lo'ak shook his head as he spoke her name, "you are overthinking this too much! Neteyam loves you, god the man can not go a day without being next to you. Do you really think he'd get bored of you?"

"Lo'ak have you seen- oh there you are" Neteyam walks in, seeing Aneysa sit down.

He walks towards her, "I've been looking for you everywhere!"

Neteyam went to stand behind her, as he gives her a little hug from behind.

"I was just.. tired. So I came to sit down for a bit" Aneysa lets out a nervous chuckle.

"Are you okay? You're not sick are you?" Neteyam puts his head over her shoulder to get a better look at her, before placing one hand on her head.

Lo'ak looks at Aneysa, giving her the 'i-told-you-so' eyes, along with a shrug, before walks out.

Aneysa looks up at Neteyam and smiles, before shaking her head no, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He asks her.

"Of course she's fine. She stole my drink" Tuk sulks as she stood up.

"Good. You shouldn't be drinking" Neteyam says to her.

"It was one glass of champagne" Tuk rolls her eyes at him.

"I don't care" Neteyam replies in a mocking tone, rolling his eyes back at her.

Tuk walks out, leaving just Neteyam and Aneysa alone in the kitchen.

He comes to take a seat next to her, before he leans his elbow down on the kitchen drawer, resting his chin in the palm of his hands.

Aneysa tilts her head and smiles at him, "what is it?"

"You're so beautiful. How did I ever get this lucky?" He asks her.

She playfully hits his arm and laughs.

Both of them laughing together.

"You know that I love you, very much" Neteyam says to her, holding onto her hand.

She nods, knowing he has more to say.

"And I know that you're sitting inside here to avoid being out there because you don't want to talk about children, and all the moms are probably being very nosy" Neteyam says.

She nods again.

"Trust me, they've been asking me the same questions they've probably asked you" Neteyam shrugs, "but it's okay. Because we have each other."

"Do you.. want that?" Aneysa asks, "for us two to have just us, together?"

"Of course!" Neteyam let go of her hand, using the same hand to move her hair behind her ear, "I couldn't ask for anything else."

She smiles at him, before he moves in to kiss her, the two of them locking lips.

Which felt slightly.. dangerous, considering there were kids playing outside, cutting the kiss short.

"See, having kids can be a headache. At least when we're alone, we get to have a lot more fun" he whispers to her.

She laughs and shakes her head at him, "come on. Let's go back."




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