"Jinwoo?" when he heard his name the smiling man turned around to face a woman he knows all too well "Miyoon hey" he said awkwardly "It's been so long since we last met" she said as she took in the man's appearance

"Yeah it has" when she was about to question him further she heard a young girl's voice "Daaad" she said as she came running to him embracing him tightly "I want to buy that toy" the young girl said as she broke the hug "This is dad's friend Miyoon" Jinwoo said introducing the pretty lady in front of her

"Hello" Eun said bowing to the older lady "Here have my card and buy the toy I will talk to my friend here alright?"

"Never knew you got married"

"Never did. It's just us two" he stated as a young boy ran towards them "Mom I want to buy a toy please give me money" he said as Miyoon handed him her purse and the little boy ran away "Your son?" she nodded as she looked at her son's back

"You know why don't we get them married when they're older?" she suggested as she looked at his reaction "Because we couldn't?" he questioned as she just smiled at him

The pact was made when both Miyoon and Jinwoo were young and in love. They thought that they would end up marrying but fate had different plans for them when Miyoon moved abroad to study

They lost contact after she moved away and soon he heard that she was married into a wealthy family in Korea "Sure why not" he agreed


"Never knew you were in a serious relationship with Eunwoo" Eun heard a sudden voice when she was busy arranging the flowers "How did you find this place?" she asked glaring at the man in front of her

Time did no justice to her as he was still breathtakingly handsome as ever, still the same Jaehyun she fell in love with but more mature "Not hard to find when you have the connections" he said as he stepped closer

"Now tell me" he said making his voice go deeper and more threatening "She is not his right?" she panicked as she didn't know what to say "I don't know what you're talking about"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about Park Eun. Now answer me that girl is mine right?" he asked cornering the poor woman as her hovered over her "Uhm hello?" Jaehyun quickly got away from her when he heard a familiar voice

"Mr.Lee" he said smiling as he shook the older's hand "Hey are you okay?" Taeyong asked as he pushed through Jaehyun and went to the girl who was still processing on what had happened "Yeah I'm fine" she said coming back to her senses

"How may I help you sir?" she asked smiling sweetly

Eun prepared flowers for Taeyong as he observed her carefully. Her delicate and soft features really made him believe that she was his lost sister. They both had doe eyes that they inherited from their mom

"Would you be interested in going on a friendly date with me?"

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