Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7

Start from the beginning

Usopp comes beside him. "We're glad we found you, we were beginning to think the city didn't have much of a guard, seeing as it's so well fortified."

"Are you kidding? You're looking at the best guard on Grand Line." Tydus gestures to his crew. "We've defended more Navy attacks than we can count!"

"Really--at your age?" Chopper wonders.

Tydus punches him into the floor. "Have some respect, deer man!"

Chopper rubs his head dizzily. "Well, at least he called me a deer..."

"The beard may be gray, but the sword is still sharp! Know what I'm saying?"

"How encouraging!" Brook remarks. 

Usopp crosses his arms and looks around. "So what's the plan, old timer? We'll follow your lead on this one."

"Well, first things first. We need to establish a--"

Just then, Franky's voice calls out from behind them. "Hey--Hey guys!" 

The group turns to see Franky jogging toward them with a panicked expression. 

"Franky--what is it?" Chopper asks. 

Franky stops in front of them with labored breath. "They're here...They're here already!"

Usopp is confused. "Who's here?"

"The marines! I just saw about 20 ships heading right for us!"

Usopp's eyes bulge. "20 ships?!" 

Tydus steps toward him. "20? Are you sure it was that many?"

Franky nods. "No doubt about it. I counted at least 15, and there were still more behind them."

Chopper quivers. "That's insane! So many!" 

Tydus rubs his beard. "We've never faced a fleet that large before. This is truly concerning."

"The Navy must be pulling out all the stops on you this time." Franky comments.

Tydus turns to his crewmates. "You hear that? This will be the largest force we've faced yet. If any of you have any objections..."

"No way!" One of his soldiers calls out. "We're not afraid! Let's do it!" Cheers of support and gusto accompany him.

Tydus nods confidently and faces the Straw Hats again. "Well, you have our answer! Ready to fight with us?"

Franky pumps his fists. "Super ready!"

Usopp melts with fear. "How do we keep getting ourselves into these situations?!"  

Chopper looks between his friends and Tydus. "So what's the plan? What should we all do?"

Franky raises both his arms in the air. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm heading straight for the front lines! I'm ready for battle!" Two machine guns pop out from his forearms.

Brook agrees and poses with him. "And I as well! Been a long time since I had a good fight!"

Usopp hides himself among the guard, attempting to disguise his voice. "Awesome! Go Straw Hats! Fight until the bitter end! We'll be supporting you all the way!"

Franky reaches out and grabs his long nose out of the crowd. "Yeah right, quit fooling around! You're coming with us!" He places Usopp beside him forcefully.

Chopper steps beside Tydus. "How about me? Should I go fight with them too?"

Tydus looks to him. "You're a doctor, isn't that right?"

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