chapter 4

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In the end, it doesn't take you that long to plan the date.

It might be because you've been dreaming about this moment for months, or it's just that easy being with Tara.

There was a famous festival happening soon, and you've always wanted to take a girl there. Do all the cliche things, win her a bear; ride the Ferris wheel; make out in a secluded alleyway.

"So where are we going?" Tara muses as she sidles close to you.

You raise an eyebrow at her, "That desperate already?"

She rolls her eyes, "I think we established that already."

"What are you two lovebirds whispering about?" Mindy asks from the couch. Sam's eyes immediately narrow.

Please don't mess this up for me, Mindy.

"Oh nothing, just talking about how hot YN looks today," Tara answers quickly, smirking as you turn red.

Sam grimaces at her statement, mumbling something not-so-nice under her breath.

Chad's also been particularly gloomy today, after overhearing a conversation between Mindy and Tara about your date.

He's shut off every attempt Tara's made at small talk, shooing her off with a not-so-subtle glare.

You can see it in her stance, her shoulders somewhat sagged; she's burdened by it.

You wait until Tara leaves (gets forced) by Sam to go for a grocery trip.

Sam claims it's for "sister bonding time", all the while Tara is screaming and crying trying to get out of her sister's grip.

You manage to calm her down by pressing a kiss to Tara's forehead and whispering that she should go. She pouts but hesitantly leaves.

As soon as the door closes, you turn and make your way to Chad in the living room. Mindy gets up, shooting you a look before leaving you guys alone.

You sit beside Chad on the couch, feet bouncing; eyes staring at the ceiling.

He's silent; too silent for your liking.

A few minutes pass before you think that maybe you should bail, you didn't have to do this right now.

"Did you have to mess everything up?" He finally speaks, voice hot.

You roll your eyes, of course, he was going to be dramatic.

"Tara picked me. Respect her opinion bro." You say, malice laced with the last word.

He doesn't budge, "She would've picked me if you didn't swoop in. I was this close."

He makes a gesture with his hands, pinching them together. You feel the anger rising in you steadily.

But for the sake of Tara, and peace altogether; you don't make a scene.

"The heart wants what it wants, I'm sorry." You whisper.

Chad groans, but you can tell he softens up a bit; body language opening up.

He hesitates before speaking again.

"I'm- I'm sorry, really. I didn't mean to fall for Tara. I just couldn't help it, you know?"

He looks like he's fighting tears. You can't help but feel bad; he was just a lovesick boy.

You sigh and pat his back gently.

"I know," You murmur, "And I get it, truly I do. But Tara's made up her mind, and I've certainly made up my mind; so stop acting like a man-child and be a good friend. She's going through a hard time right now."

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