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I stared at the screen of my phone. Should I? Or should I not?

Will she be mad at me? Technically it was my fault not hers. But still she is getting hate. Of course she'll be mad.

But I want to apologise to her. Will she accept my apology? What if she won't?

"Atleast try Tae." Namjoon hyung said to me and walked out of the room.

An hour ago he came to my room and showed me this post of kpoppies about Jennie. I knew that we both might be targetted. But since I didn't get much hate comments, so I thought she wouldn't too. I did not realise it was this serious.

Although this is pretty stupid. Why creating such a big scene just because of a small mistake? And why are they attacking the victim here?

I realised.

Instagram is scary.

But toxic armies are scarier.

Namjoon hyung had told me to correct my doing. Even though he told me that it isn't my fault. But I can't help but feel guilty.

All the pain she is bearing is because of me. I have to do something. I need to make everything right.

And you might think why was I checking her id in first place. Well what can I say. It's hard to not notice her.

I wrote the best apology I can and dm'ed her. Hope she'll forgive me.

An hour later her reply came "it's okay. It's not your fault. I understand you misclicked on my profile while looking at Jung hoyeon's profile."

Wait. What?

An hour later

I now know what she meant by that. Bang pd-nim has given a statement on my behalf that it was an accident. I was looking at Jung hoyeon's account but since Jennie was in her following list, I accidentally followed her.

Fortunately, the commotion has died down but I'm not sure if Jennie's alright. Even if I ask her, she'll say she's fine. I don't know what should I do.

I opened Instagram and checked her profile. There was another post of her and without thinking, I liked her post. I sent her post to our chat group. I can't sit back and have my fans target her. It may help her.

It has to......

INSTAGRAM ~TaennieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang