"I think we can do that!"i said.

"Bring on the baddie Jer."said Alex.

"And the tropical fruits."said Clover which literally made me,Sam and Alex drop dead.

Jerry pressed a button and a big metal thing appeared infront of us.

It had four arms.

It tried to pubch more like smash us with one of his hands but we dodge it and jumped in the hair.

We did that Blender of Death thingy to cut his arm off and kick him down.

We were about to celebrate but it got back up.

We did the Blender of Death on his legs and it was down.

Then it head detached from the body and the head had metal tentacles.

"Anyone knows the kata for run?"i ask as we backflip to avoid getting smash.

Then Jerry made our clothes changed to yellow biker suits with matching yellow helmets.

We backflip and landed on a red bike each.

We drove as the metal octopus chased us and was shooting lasers at us.

"We can't outblast,outflight or outrun this thing.What do we do?"said Alex.

"We outsmart it.Follow me!"said Sam we follow me.

I mean she's the brainiac here.

We drove into the jungle.

Sam explained her plan.

She made the thing chased behind her while Clover and Alex made it trip with a rope then i drove off a cliff that was infront of it and let my bike blow into his head while i landed smoothly on the ground.

It was down and it was into millions of pieces.

"Alright!"said Alex as we all take off our helmets and highfive.

This is actually good.

"How's our success rate looking now,Jer?"ask Clover as Jerry looked at the scene with his mouth opened.

"Most impressive.Perhaps you can be spies after all.That is,if you're willing to work on the rest of your skills in the field."said Jerry.

"Yeah!"we said.

We are totally gonna do it.

"Then consider yourselves WHOOP agents.Here are your ID cards."said Jerry as he throw the cards at us.

We cheered as if the mall put up sale.

"Duty calls."said Jerry as his watch beeps.

"Huh?"i said.

I'm so exhausted for that shit right now.

"Well tell it to call back later.We've been up all night."said Clover.

"Sorry but spy mission waits for no one."said Jerry.

We were now in a submarine.

"Being a spy is so cool.I always wanted to take a sea cruise."said Alex.

"Me too."said Sam.

"Me three."said Clover.

Really they've never been on a cruise.

"Gee chill i take you guys on a cruise next time i go."i said.

"Rich talk."mumble Clover.

"And proud of it."i said.

"Congratulations on your training success spies.It's gonna be a pleasure working with you."said Tad as he came down.

"Oh the pleasure is all mine."said Clover as she was all over him which made Sam,Alex and me sweat drop.

Jerry clears her throat to break it up.

"Are there any WHOOP rules against inter-office romance,Jer?"said Clover as Jerry sigh.

We all have to deal with it now.

"Now for the mission.There has been a number of mysterious disappearances in the greater Los Angeles area.One of them being rockstar Rob Hearthrob."said Jerry.

"No not Rob!I get all misty just thinking about his songs."i said as take Jerry's tie to wipe my tears.

"Well save the sobbing because you'll be exploring a missing celebrity of a different sort:Peppy Wolfman."said Jerry and proceed to play a video of that ugly guy.

"Like i've said before:'A peppy pet is a happy pet.'"said the video.

"Hey i've heard all about this guy.He's a pet motivational speaker.He specializes in cheering up animals of the rich and famous."said Alex with sparkles in her eyes.

"Or at least he was up until yesterday before vanishinfmg from his Beverly Hills office."said Jerry breaking Alex dreams.

"We want you ti investigate and see if the disappearances are related."said Tad.

"And now for a spy's best friend:The gadgets.We have the Fountain Pen Microphone, the Monocle Magnifier and my favorite,the Ascending Ascot Cable."said Jerry.

"Jer if we're gonna do this whole spy thingy,we're gonna have to do it with style.I took the liberty of whipping up a few new designs."said Clover holding put her sketchbook.

Her designs at first were extravagant but then a design strike us.

"Now that's more like it."said Alex.

"We want!We want!"i exclaim like a kid in a toy store.

"Very well then."said Jerry before scanning the drawing and projected it on us.

Our clothes changed into our spy outfits.

Our clothes changed into our spy outfits

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'm obsessed with it.

It so beautiful and ugh.

I can't even express myself.

We all had similar suits but it was in different colour.

Clover was red,Sam was green and Alex was yellow.

"Now for your new albeit unorthodox gadgets:The Compowder,a communication device/supercomputer discreetly concealed in the shape of a makeup compact,the Expandable Cable Bungee Belt,the Laser Lipstick,the Everlasting Bubblegum, the Suction Cup Bottom Drill Heel Go-Go Boots,the Heat Sensor 6000 infrared Motion-Detector Sunglasses,a Molecular Seperating Perfume,the Tornado-In-A-Can-Of-Hairspray,the Superfoaming Pomade Grenade and ofcourse the Jetpack backpacks."said Jerry.

Whoa a lot of cool gadgets!!

I literally had stars in my eyes.

"So Jerry where's our super cool personal transport device to get us to Peppy's office?"ask Sam.

"Just leave that to me."said Jerry smiling.

"Oh i don't like that smile."i said gulping.

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