Shopping Spree(Chapter 10)

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Dazai's POV

'Fucking damn it! Why is Chuuya act like that, it's not like I did anything major. Yes, that girl was on my lap about to kiss me but it's not like she did, so that doesn't count as cheating. I also did lock him up but that was because he tried to run away from me, his beloved boyfriend, and when has Chuuya ever cared for something as insignificant as a mere puppy. It's better of dead anyway since because of it, Chuuya's been distant towards me.' I thought to myself enraged by my reunion with Chuuya that was supposed to be delightful, but it turned out to be the opposite, chaotic, storming my way into my office clearly furious.

Once I got into my office, and the guards closed the doors behind me. I immediately called Akutagawa. 'If he's going to keep resisting, we'll have to play it the hard way then.' After a few minutes passes by, there was a knock on the door. "Come in, Akutagawa." I said as he entered silently with the guards closing the doors on my signal. "I want you to contact that little Russian rat Fyodor Dostoevsky immediately." "Yes, sir." Then Akutagawa bowed in respect before leaving to do the order I gave him.

"It's already been about 20 minutes, when is he going to hurry up, fucking unless like always." I whisper underneath my breathe tapping my toes on the floor impatiently. Then the door open along with a knock. "Boss, he's on the line." "Took you fucking long enough, give it here and leave." I said reaching my hand out for him to give the phone to me. Then he approached me with the phone and placed it on my hand and left without saying anything else.

"Hello, is this Dazai on the call now?" "Yes, it's me, hello to you too, Fyodor." "Lovely day, isn't it?" "Say do you have something to keep someone obedient?" I asked ignoring his question. "Oh~, so you're calling for that type of advise." "Yes, my darling has been lashing out and out of line lately. If you have something of help, that would be greatly appreciative ." "You're in luck, because I do have something that might be useful to you. I would usually say it's for a price, but I've been in a similar situation as you before, and I feel like we're bonding a bit, so I'll give to you for free of charge." "Thank you, mind telling me what it is and what it does?" "Hold your horses, I was just getting to that. It's a liquid drug, and for it to work, you need to add a little bit of your blood to it before giving it to your darling. Once he has drank it, he will recognize you as his soulmate and fall helplessly in love with you, but this does have some setbacks. It only lasts about one month, and it can become addictive with just one single uses and using it too often can cause damage to the host, so you should use it as a last resort."

I started frowning when I heard that it could become harmful to Chuuya because there's no way I will give him something that could possibly hurt him. "Hmm~ I do want Chuuya to behave, but I don't want it affecting him like that, so I'll have to pass on that. Thanks for your suggestion, though. It's been... okay talking to you, but I have to get back to my darling now." "Ah~, yes, of course, my number's ###-###-#### incase you need to contact me again. Good luck to you and your darling~." Fyodor said on the other side of the phone before I hung up on him. 'Hmm, he gave me his phone number, so I might as well save it just in case, like he said.' I thought to myself, pulling out my phone from my pocket and saving his phone number to my contact list naming him 'Russian rat Fyodor Dostoevsky.

After I added Fyodor to my contact list I sat there thinking what would be a suitable punishment for my darling and that's when brilliant idea popped up in my mind. 'Perfect, you're so smart me!' I thought complimenting myself on how smart I am while hurriedly making my way to my car. Once I got out of the headquarters, I went into my car and looked up some places I might find useful. 'Hmm~, this one looks good. 20 minutes away from here... It's not that far, I guess this one is it.' I thought to myself, setting the GPS to the location and putting my phone on the phone holder.

20 Minutes Later

"You have arrived at your destination." The GPS says as I enter the parking lot for the store. I parked my car, grabbed my phone, and got out, looking at the store in front of me. 'Not bad, it looks useful.' I told myself as I entered the store. Once I entered the store, I grabbed a shopping cart, started looking around for anything that I might like. "Hmm~ this muzzle looks like it would suit Chuuya. Since he's always lashing out, he needs to learn how to control that beautiful mouth of his." I whisper, then I put it in the shopping cart. I turned around and noticed some small pink vibrators so I decided to get some as well.

Then, I started wandering around a bit more and found some urethral plugs section on an aisle. 'Fufu~ Chuuya's gonna love this...' I thought while trying to figure out which one is the best one. "Sir, would you like some help?" A male employee came up to me and asked in a completely seductive tone. I looked at him and noticed that his height was somewhat close to my darling height but a bit taller. He had black hair and dark brown eyes, he was okay looking but compare to my darling he's like a dull rock beside a bright sapphire that will captivate you no matter how long you look at it. "Yes, I'd like one of these for my partner, but I don't know which one to get." I reply, turning away from him and looking back at the urethral plug section. "I could help with that. Is it the first time for your partner?" "Yes, it is." 'I hope it is before I go murder someone if it isn't.' I thought frowning in displeasure if that were the case. 'No, Chuuya's very loyal he would never do something like that.' I thought to myself again, shaking the thought out of my head. "Well, in that case, I would recommend this light pink one. It's not too thick, and it's not too long either. This is what beginners would usually should use. If you need to check how it looks on a real person, I can always help you out with that~." He said about to get closer to me, but I pushed him away immediately and pulled out my gun and pointed at him to stay back as he's on the floor from the push I had given him. "Stay away from me." I said coldly, and he immediately realized what he was about to get himself into, so he quickly apologized and scurried away from me. I then put the gun pack into my pocket and continued my shopping spree.

I also picked out some costumes that included a bunny and a cat one that also included a plug with them and some other stuff too. 'Chuuya's going to look so beautiful in this!' I squeal internally inside my thoughts, happy with the choices I've picked as I check out at the register. "That will be $405.64, sir. Would you like to pay with cash or card?" "I'll use card." I said, swiping my card on the machine. "Here's your items and your receipt. Have a nice day, sir." The cashier said, but I ignored him and grabbed the plastic bags he handed with my stuff in them and my receipt too humming on my way out.

Once I got out of the store, I went to my car and opened the trunk where I put the stuff I bought there, and made my way to the driver's seat. I opened the door and went in, closing the door after I entered. I bought my phone out, opened it, and looked at the time. "2:38 P.M., I've been shopping for about two hours, huh. Well, it's time to go back home to my beloved darling now." I said, humming as I place my phone on the phone holder and open Google Maps on my phone for my way back to the headquarters. "Starting route to headquarter..."

I hope you like this chapter because I had to research some stuff about something since I didn't know what exactly it was and I felt so embarrassed, my search history is not something I feel proud of right now. 😭

I felt like uploading this drawing I drew!

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I felt like uploading this drawing I drew!

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