Unfortunate Incident (Chapter 1)

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Third Person POV

Chuuya's been feeling a bit off ever since Mori was assassinated, and Dazai, his lover, became the Port Mafia's boss. But right now he was currently on a mission to eliminate some people who were causing the Port Mafia some trouble  by killing their men, and raiding supplies, so he had no time to think as he was near his destination. "Stop here." Chuuya told the driver. "Oh, Grantors of Dark Disgrace" he said activating his ability and flew to the location that he was told to go to. Once he was outside the factory doors he kicked it open. But kicking the door open caused quite a racket, so Chuuya was soon surrounded by men with guns. "Open fire! We will fucking kill him!" A man suddenly shouted and bullets soon started firing at Chuuya. After a few seconds of constantly shooting bullets after bullets the men surrounding Chuuya noticed that he wasn't bleeding but instead the bullets were frozen in place. "Let's get this mission over with." Chuuya whispered shooting the bullets back to the men using his ability. "Please! Don't kill me!" A man suddenly shouted from a pile of corpses "Oh, someone's still alive." But as soon as those words left Chuuya's mouth the man was dead with a bullet shot through his head. After eliminating the last person alive his mission was complete. Letting out an exhausting sigh he then heard noises coming from behind some box.

Chuuya's POV

I went towards the sound staying on full alert and kicked down the pile of boxes.  "Oh, what are you doing here little one?" I said surprised to see a white furred puppy with blue eyes whimpering here out all the places it could've been. It was so small that I couldn't help questioning myself if this poor puppy had been taken care of properly, until I also saw how skinny it was. It had looked like it had been starving for days. Feeling empathy for this tiny helpless puppy I decided to take it in my care, and give all the love it needs with proper care. "Let's see what gender you are little one." I said picking up the puppy and raising it. "Ah I see you're a male, then let's name you Cael." With that the puppy suddenly stopped whimpering, and I smiled at the sight of that feeling pleased with myself. I then carefully held Cael in my arms, and started heading to the car that was awaiting for me. "We're done here. Go back to the headquarter." "Yes, sir, but if you don't mind me asking what's that in your arms sir." "It's my new family." I said with a big smile on my face.

Along the way back to the headquarter I couldn't help but smile, and play with Cael feeling overjoyed. Soon we finally arrived at the base and the driver went out of the car, and opened the door for me. I thanked the driver, and headed inside on my way to Dazai's office to report about my mission with Cael in my arms. Once I got closer to the office I was unexpectedly stopped by some guards. "What the fuck are you doing? Move out of the way." "Sir, we cannot. We were ordered to not let anyone inside on Boss' orders." I was shocked to hear this, so forced my way through the two guards, but once the door was opened I just stood there frozen.

I eyes was widen at the sight of what I saw with my heart feeling like something sharp had stabbed it. There I saw Dazai, and an unknown woman on his lap with her arms wrapped around his neck. "Didn't I tell you to not let anyone in!"Dazai said but as soon as he saw it was me his face looked paler than it already was like he saw a ghost. "C-chuuya, w-what are you doing here?" Dazai said clearly sounding in a panic voice. The room then was filled with a loud silence that felt like a long time but in reality it was only five seconds. Then without a word said I felt my eyes tear up and my vision was beginning to look blurry. My eyes that would've usually been happy to see Dazai was now full with sadness, and disbelief. I then quickly ran away with Cael still in his arms not wanting to witness the horrendous sight any longer. But I soon then bumped into someone so I looked up to see who it was, and saw a familiar face. "K-kouyou?" Then she looked down and noticed my sobbing face full of tears. "Chuuya? What's wrong? What happened?" "D-dazai...he... h-" Then without being able to finish my unstable sentence I heard Dazai calling out my name with a loud shout.

Dazai's POV

'Fuck! Fuck! Shit! This shouldn't had fucking happened! If only those people outside had done their job fucking properly!' I cursed inside my head running after Chuuya passing the two useless guards. "Chuuya!" I soon then caught up to my beloved ginger seeing him on the floor with Kouyou in front of him. "Chuuya, let me explai-" "Don't come near me!" I was taken back by hearing those words coming out of darling's mouth. Of course I heard those words before but this time is was serious, and filled with pain. "Darling...listen I didn't mean it, so it was a mistake." Then I suddenly heard a noise below me, so I looked down to see a small puppy barking at me. 'At me?I was shocked, and beyond fucking furious seeing a puppy barking at me out of anyone. "How dare a mere puppy bare it's fangs at me." After I warned the puppy it started shaking and whimpering instead, but it already pissed me off, so I decided to go in with a kick to get it away from being between me and My Chuuya. "Don't you fucking dare." I suddenly heard Chuuya speak and I could hear the heavy emotions in his voice that made me stop in my tracks.

Chuuya then turned around to pick the puppy up in his arms, and walked away from me. 'Did that little ass puppy just steal my darling from me?' I asked myself clearly pissed off, and my face showed that. "For now it is best for you not to pursuit Chuuya any further." Kouyou told me then turned around to follow Chuuya. They soon disappeared from my sight, and it was just me standing there...alone. I then started to head back to my office where the girl was still found there waiting for me. "Leave." I firmly said telling the girl to get out of my office, and to leave me the fuck alone. 'Chuuya...'

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