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Unfamiliar heels click down the corridor of the patient ward, confusing those residing in the rooms there. Glancing out the small windows in their doors, they watch a nurse they've never seen before walk past. It's early in the morning meaning it's almost time to head for breakfast yet this random nurse is already there without the guards.

Nervous and concerned, Norman calls out to the woman. "E-excuse me? Where's n-nurse (Y/N)?"

The stranger stops in front of his door, giving him a polite but tight smile. "There was an incident last night. I'm afraid she won't be around for a little while."

"Is she okay?" Brahms questions, his voice shaking with worry.

She turns to look down the hall towards him room, quietly sighing. Moving to stand in the middle of the hallway where all of the patients should be able to hear her, she makes sure to speak loudly and clearly. "Nurse (Y/N) is fine. She got hurt last night and will be on bed rest for a while in order to heal but I promise that she'll be back before you know it. Until then, myself and a few other nurses will be taking over for her."

"What happened to her exactly?" Hannibal approaches the glass wall of his room so he's able to see the nurse clearly. He can easily tell by her body language that she's growing annoyed with the questions but she also appears to be quite fearful for some reason. The most likely answer is because of who she has the misfortune of tending to. It's not easy to spend your time around notorious killers.

"I'm not at liberty to say." She shakes her head. "Now, why don't you all get ready for breakfast, okay? The guards will be here momentarily."

"I'm not going anywhere, Toots. Not until I see that (Y/N) is fine with my own two eyes." Danny stubbornly moves away from his door to sit on his bed. He refuses to move a single inch until he sees you.

"Me too!" Brahms huffs, moving away from his own door to sit on his bed like a pouting child.

"Please don't make things more difficult than they need to be." The nurse mentally rolls her eyes at the two. It's a bit hard to believe they're killers when they act like this. "I promise that she's perfectly fine and will be back in a few weeks."

There's a slam against Michael's door just as Norman raises his voice with slight panic. "A f-few weeks?!"

"She must have been injured quite terribly to have such a long leave of absence." Hannibal notes, knowing quite a bit since he used to be a doctor. "It would seem there's quite a bit you're not telling us about the situation."

The nurse stiffens slightly at her mess up. She wasn't supposed to let them know the severity of the situation, nor how long it'd be until they could see their beloved nurse again. Giving them all yet another tight smile, she gently claps her hands together. "Enough about that. It's almost time for breakfast so the guards will be here shortly. Please get ready to go."

"I already told you that I'm not going anywhere!" Danny calls from his place on his bed.

"Yeah! I'm staying here with Danny!"

"I don't think you're gonna get anywhere with them, lady." Bo comments, letting out a low whistle. "If they say they're not doing something, then they ain't doing it."

She purses her lips angrily as she turns around to exit the ward. She's getting nowhere with them and at this rate she'll be there all day and end up missing her own breakfast which she certainly doesn't want. Her heels click quickly against the ground as she rushes off to Wanda's office to inform her of what's going on.

Knocking on the door, she waits rather impatiently for her boss to buzz her in. The second she's able to open the door she barges in, huffing in annoyance as she plops down in one of the chairs in front of Wanda's desk. She wastes no time in voicing her complaints. "Those damn lunatics! They refuse to fucking do anything without their precious little nurse!"

"Please calm down, Patty. I need you to properly explain things." Wanda folds her hands on top of her desk, giving her full attention to the nurse.

Patty curls her lip up in disgust as she practically snarls the words. "They're obsessed with that chick! I explained things exactly how you told me to, and they said they weren't going anywhere until they could see that she's fine themselves. Like, what do they expect us to do? Force her to go see them in her condition? It's not like we can take them to the medical ward where there's tons of dangerous tools."

Wanda sighs, stressfully running a hand through her hair. "I knew they quite liked her but I was unaware just how much. It seems they're beginning to become unhealthily obsessed with nurse (L/N). Maybe some separation from her is exactly what they need."

"Please don't put me in charge of them!" Patty whines pitifully. "I only agreed to watch them this one day because you said I'd get paid more but I'm already tired of dealing with them. I prefer my less criminally insane patients."

"I don't have much of a choice, dear. You're the only one I can really count on here."

"You're only saying that because I'm your daughter. You know that I'm less likely to give up and run away because of how much I'm paid compared to the other nurses." Patty rolls her eyes as she sinks into the chair, already dreading the next few weeks.

"How about this; I'll allow them to see nurse (L/N) as long as they promise to behave for you for the next few weeks. Surely the promise of seeing her will be enough to get them in line. I know at least a few of them will agree to those terms."

Patty breathes a sigh of relief at her mothers suggestion. This is probably the only way to get them to cooperate without using force. "Let's go tell them, then. I don't want to take too long and end up missing breakfast because of those weirdos."

Wanda chuckles, moving to follow her daughter out of the room. "If it takes too long then I'll allow you to go to the cafeteria without them. There's a good chance they'll want to see nurse (L/N) right away which will take a while considering her condition."

"How bad was it, anyways? I heard Chris was the one that heard her screaming and went to get you since you're the only one with access to everyone's rooms."

"It was quite gruesome." Wanda frowns at the memory of finding you covered in blood in bed, eyes barely flickering with consciousness. That poor man stayed by your side the entire time, only moving away to let the doctors work on you.

He's likely still sat at your bedside watching over you. He seemed terrified at the thought of you being so close to death and that reaction makes her curious as to how long the two of you have been interacting. If perhaps there's something more than friendship there. It's not really her business but she can't help but to wonder.

I'm going to be honest, we might be nearing the end of book one. I'm not entirely sure how many more chapters I'll do but I already have the ending planned out. I also have the beginning of book two figured out.

Quite a few slashers are being added in the second book so I want to let y'all know a few things:

1) Not everyone will be constantly present in the story. Some cases will be like Freddy where they show up at random or are just in a few chapters.

2) Not everyone is a love interest. I'm not sure if I'm even going to include actual romance with any of the slashers since everyone has different favorites but if I do it'll either be a majority vote or a poly situation. I will let you know that Freddy will not be a love interest at any point. He's mostly here for plot purposes.

3) I will be adding slashers that people have been wondering about as I have always planned on introducing them in the second book. However, I will not be giving away too much information about who is getting added. The only ones I've confirmed in the comments are Billy and Stu, the original (and best) Ghost Faces. Everyone else will remain secret.

Please feel free to makes your guesses on who will be added but I will not be confirming whether or not any of you are correct.

Once again thank you to everyone who has been voting and commenting as it means a lot to me. Also an extra thanks to those of you who followed me or checked out my other stories. I appreciate all of you 💕

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