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You take a moment before heading off to the next room. You have no doubt that Danny will love his gift considering he was happy simply taking pictures of you. He seems to be rather easy to please yet equally as easy to anger. Thankfully you haven't had that anger aimed at you and you hope it never is.

Approaching Danny's room you're instantly met with him watching you through the window in his door. A broad smile breaks out across his face once he notices that you're heading his way and he eagerly steps away from the door so you can enter. The door barely gets a chance to close before you're pulled into his arms, your own arms pinned down to your sides.

"Danny!" You laugh, squirming around a bit. "I can't give you your gift if I can't move!"

"Awe, but this is my first time holding you. Let me just enjoy it for a bit longer, Doll." Jokingly rolling your eyes you allow him to continue hugging you. The hug is a lot more gentle than the one Bubba gave you, allowing you to rest your head against his chest where you can hear his slightly elevated heartbeat. He holds you for a few more moments before finally pulling away. "Alright, you can hand over the gift now."

Shaking your head, you hold out the bag with his gift in it. Danny eagerly takes it from you, wasting no time at all to dig through it. The first thing he pulls out is a scrapbook that is hopefully large enough to hold all of the pictures he's taken and if not then at least it can hold most of them. The next thing he pulls out is a pack of colorful markers that you got for him so he could write whatever he wanted on the photos in order to personalize them a bit more.

"This is great, Doll!" Danny sets the items on his table as he turns back towards you. "I'll be sure to show you the scrapbook once I get it filled."

"I'm looking forward to it." You smile, deciding to give him one last quick hug before moving on to head over to Brahms room.

Brahms stands up from his bed the moment you enter, his fingers tugging at his sweaters sleeves. "Hello, Ms. (Y/N)."

"Hello Brahms! I brought something special for you since you've been very well behaved lately." You move towards him, holding out the bag for him to take. He grabs it from you, keeping his gaze locked on you for a few more seconds before finally looking down at the bag.

"A gift?" He opens the bag and pulls out the few items you bought for him. You got him multiple different books filled with sheet music for the piano. They have multiple different artists in them ranging from Beethoven to Tchaikovsky. His head tilts cutely as he looks at the books, opening the one on top to look through it some more. "It's been a while since I've played some of these. Thank you very much, Ms. (Y/N)."

"You're very welcome, Brahms." You pick up the now empty bag, prepared to head to the last room. "You'll have to play some for me soon, okay?"

Brahms nods in reply and you take that as your cue to leave. You don't make it very far as Brahms large hand wraps around your wrist, stopping you in place. Confused, you turn around to question if everything's alright only to freeze when you feel the coldness of his masks lips pressing against your forehead. The action makes your cheeks heat up despite the fact that he's not actually kissing you. Once he finally pulls away you say goodbye before quickly exiting the room.

Once in the hallway you take a deep breath in order to calm yourself down some. When your cheeks finally no longer feel as if they're on fire you move on to Hannibal's room. The older male is seated in his chair with a book propped against his knee- a position you find him in more often than not. It appears you caught him at a good time as he instantly snaps the book shut and stands up to give you his full attention.

"I see you took my advice to take a break." He nods his head towards the only bag remaining with something in it, the others empty and folded up under your arm. "Though, usually taking a break includes not thinking of the things you're taking a break from."

You roll your eyes jokingly at his teasing tone. "I'll take a real break some other time. I was already getting things for myself so I figured I'd get stuff for everyone else as well."

"How kind of you." Hannibal steps towards the glass where there's a metal cubby that items can be passed through.

You step up to it as well, pulling items from the bag to put into the slot for him to take. As soon as the door is closed on your side he opens it up, grabbing the items out. You got him a few new novels that came out during the time he's been in the Sanitarium that you thought he might like along with a new sketchbook since you've noticed a few drawings scattered across his desk a couple of times.

Hannibal flips through the books, reading the short descriptions on each one. You nervously shift on your feet as you wait for him to say something in hopes that he doesn't hate them. Shopping for someone more sophisticated and knowledgeable than yourself is quite hard and stressful. Most of your time shopping was spent looking for his gifts since everyone else was relatively easy in comparison.

"These seem quite interesting." He finally shuts the final book after reading the description. "We'll have to read one of them once we finish the novel we're currently on. I greatly appreciate these gifts, dear. Thank you."

Your body physically relaxes once he confirms that you did a good job. "You're welcome, Hannibal. I hope they end up being as good as they seem."

"I'm sure they will." He smiles softly as he sets everything down on his desk. Turning back towards you, his eyes trail over you as if searching for something, his gaze seemingly darkening for a split second before returning to normal almost fast enough for you to think you imagined it. "You should be on your way now, dear. Lunch will be starting soon."

You quickly say your farewells upon realizing he's right before rushing off to head back to your room where you properly dispose of the paper bags. You're quite glad that everyone enjoyed their gifts and you can't wait to see what some of them do with them. Perhaps you should make it a monthly thing to get them gifts if they've been well behaved. It's definitely a good way to get you out of the building and your mind off of things. Certainly wouldn't want to get too stressed out, right?

Based off of this book alone- not the movies or anything else- who is your current favorite slasher?

My first official fanart by Zephyr! I'm posting it on this chapter since it's based off of giving Hannibal his gifts. It's super good and I'm absolutely amazed by their talent. Thank you so much!

 Thank you so much!

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