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Entering the cafeteria, you split off from Bubba and Thomas in order to get in line to get your food. As you wait patiently, you watch as the rest of your patients enter the cafeteria. Jason waves happily the second he spots you, as does Danny and Brahms. You get a nod of acknowledgement from both Bo and Michael while Vincent simply glances at you before looking away shyly. Norman gives you a small nervous smile as he passes which you return, though much less nervously.

Grabbing your tray of food you head to your usual table. Danny and Brahms are already sitting there patiently waiting for you to join them. "Good afternoon, Ms. (Y/N)." Brahms greets in his childish voice.

You can't help but to remember the last time you interacted making your cheeks heat up. Sure, he didn't actually kiss you but it was still pretty intimate regardless. Much more intimate than you should allow any of them to be with you and yet you don't seem to really mind.

"You seem distracted, Doll." Danny stares at you with a slightly darkened gaze making you shift uncomfortably. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary." Your voice wavers slightly making you internally cringe since you know for a fact he noticed.

"I don't suggest lying to me." His voice drops lower as his grip on his plastic fork tightens.

You open your mouth to respond only to freeze up when someone unexpectedly sits on the other side of you. Your body stiffens on its own as the persons arm brushes against your own. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Why are you sitting here?" Brahms questions Chris, making you whip towards him with wide eyes. It's not the question that shocks you- no, it's the fact that for the first time ever he's not using his childish voice. His real voice is actually quite attractive and pretty different from what you would've expected.

"Hm? Oh, well I asked Nurse (Y/N) here if I could join her for lunch but she said she had already promised to sit with her patients." Chris shrugs making his arm brush against you once again. Uncomfortable at the contact, you shift closer to Brahms. "I figured I could join all of you instead. Kill two birds with one stone, you know?"

Danny keeps his gaze trained on you, taking in your obvious distress at the other man's presence. You spend every day with killers so the fact that this random security guard is making you act like this is certainly strange. He's quite good at reading people so he noticed instantly when your mood suddenly changed. He also just figured out why you were distracted earlier- something must've happened between you and this asshole.

Turning his attention towards Chris, he plasters on a fake smile. "I don't think I've seen you around here before. Are you new?"

"I just transferred over from the night shift." Chris shakes his head before taking a bite of his sandwich. He barely swallows it before continuing. "You wouldn't have noticed me since I was only around after lights out."

Danny nods in understanding despite not believing a single word he's saying. "How'd you meet our dear nurse then?"

Chris chuckles as he throws his arm around your shoulders, practically pulling you closer to him once again. "I met her a few days ago at the store. She wasn't paying much attention and ended up running right into me. It's a crazy coincidence that we both work here."

Brahms and Danny barely register his words as they both stare at his arm wrapped around you. It takes everything in them to resist the urge to rip it off of you knowing that it'd just cause them problems. They'd end up being confined to their rooms for a while just like Michael was which means they wouldn't be able to see you as much. For now, they have to stay calm.

"One hell of a coincidence." Danny's jaw clenches angrily as he gives Chris a sarcastic smile.

Nobody else gets the chance to say anything as two more people suddenly join, sitting on the other side of the table with Danny. Vincent sits directly across from you on Danny's left while Bo sits in front of Chris. You stare at them both in slight bewilderment since they've never once sat with you before. Hell, Bo still barely even acknowledges your existence half the time.

"What's going on over here? Seems like quite the party." Bo smiles as he pops a grape in his mouth though the smile seems disingenuous. You can't help but to notice how his eyes are solely trained on Chris.

Looking forward, you making eye contact with Vincent who surprisingly doesn't look away. You feel his foot gently tap against your own as if asking a silent question- are you okay? You nod, silently thanking him and Bo for coming over when they did.

Chris finally pulls his arm away as he faces Bo. "Just getting to know everyone since I'll be around more. I should probably get going now though. It was nice meeting all of you."

The second he stands up and walks away you let out a sigh of relief. Once he's out of sight Bo swaps sides in order to sit next to you, nudging you softly with his shoulder. "Everything okay? You seemed uncomfortable with that dickhead touching you."

"I'm fine, Bo. Thank you for coming over here. I don't think he would've left otherwise." You frown at the thought of him sticking around longer. If Bo and Vincent hadn't of showed up he'd likely still be holding onto you, trapping you against him against your will.

"What's his deal anyways?" Danny scoffs. "He said you only met a few days ago yet he's acting like he's known you for years."

"I'm not sure." You shrug, staring down at your untouched food. "We only talked once when we met at the store. I never really expected to see him again until I ran into him on my way to the ward before lunch."

"I don't trust him." Brahms huffs, back to using his childish voice.

"You and me both, bubs." Bo grunts, crossing his arms as he leans against the table. "He was acting a bit too comfortable for someone you just met. What's his name, anyways?"


They remain silent after that, deciding to focus on their food. You feel nervous for some reason despite the fact that Chris is gone. The way the boys reacted to his presence was not entirely expected. You've never really seen any of them like that. The way Danny was staring at him especially was a bit scary. It was also a bit off putting hearing Brahms real voice when he questioned Chris.

If Chris doesn't leave you alone, you're afraid something might actually happen to him. Something more than passive aggressive questions and glares.

Question: What's the minimum amount of chapters you like fanfictions to have?

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