A moment of help

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Flashback ⚠️

It's late at night. Karan is walking fastly as he knows he is late and his grandmother will not spare him.

But he felt different at his back. He felt someone following him. He turned back and no one was there.

He shook his thoughts of and continued walking. But stop when he saw a shadow in his back. He froze but his mind kept kicking him to run.

So he did.

He ran as fast as he can not caring who that person can be. His mind is telling him not to stop and there is danger around.

He kept calling Param. His dad and mom respectively. But they all are not taking the phone. That's when he remembered that they are on a mission right now. He cursed under his breath calling Param.

He can felt the figure running behind him.

Param pick up the phone while Karan was running.

Param: hello

Karan: Bha..iii please

Param: Karan i will call you back okey

Karan: no no please listen

Param: Chotte please na... Barkha hai yaha please.

Karan: Bhaiii

He cried desperately as Param cut the call.

Suddenly the figure grabbed Karan by his back of the collar pulling into him.

Karan yelps trying to break free only to be frozen. He is the same man, he helped some days ago. Who is he? What is he going to do?

Man: Hii, my son is so well. You have to come with me.

Karan: No...no.n.nooooo

He screams trying to get some attention. But luck is not on his side. The road is empty. No one is around to hear his scream.

Karan closes his eyes trying to gather as much as strength before pushing him forcefully.

The man falls on the side injuring himself. Karan began to run but the man grabbed his leg and make him fall. The man climbed on the top of him.

He looks at Karan evily grinning and slowly pressed his fingers on his neck. Karan struggles, hitting the man's hand to let go. He felt his chest tightening with the lack of oxygen.

The man kiss his forehead. Karan felt himself loosing his consciousness.

Param talked to Barkha with a happy face. She is his collage love and will more in future. But he felt some kind of uneasiness after his call with his baby brother.

But he ignored it and continued talking.

He bid his goodbye to his lover when he got a call from his mom. It was quite late.

Param: Hello mom

Mom: Huh Param, is Karan with you?

Param: No mom. Why?

Mom: he is not home yet. I called his friends and they said he isn't with them. I called the school and they said that he already left.

Param: But mom it's..quite late.

Mom: That's what i am worried about. Please can you check on him. Don't go alone. Get some help from friends.

Param: okey mom. You don't worry but were is dad.

Mom: he is also checking.

Param: hmm but wait you guys are back from the mission.

Mom: yaa now go quickly

Param: okey mom.

They cut the call. Param is quite worried as it is already so late.

Param with his friends help tried to search for Karan but in vain. He tried searching in streets and asked some people but they all don't know. His dad called and tell that they couldn't find him.

All day went by like that. The whole family try to seach but couldn't find him. After 24 hours they filed the compliant.

Police tried to search when they find his school bag and his watch. The parents are quite devastated finding it. Param blane himself for what happened. That's when he remember the phone call. He tells it to the police and it's location is in the same place as they found the bag.

After a weeks search they finally found him in a basement of a man in his 40s.

His name is Rakesh Sharma, a man who lost his wife after she gave birth to his only son. But in a unfortunate incident he also lost his son. So that psychopath thinks Karan as his son when Karan helped him, thus kidnapped him as to not to loose him too.

Karan was hospitalised only to realise that he was not only tortured mentally and physically but also he tried to attempt something horrible, sexually. As it doesn't go beyond anything he was quite lucky.

That's when changed everything. Karan was the headline of newspapers and tv news, becoming a sensation. There was a lot of support and encouragement from the public.

But Karan become quite. The torture and all those he suffered when he was captive make a toll for his mental and physical health. He become thin, talked less, eat less, just sitting in a corner and looking outside. Doctor suggested a therapy. That's how a 13 year old Karan started taking Therapy.


Just a flashback not in detail. Just a outline and why is that man following him.

Some clarifications: *Karan was 13 and Param was 19 when he is kidnapped. That is Karan in 8 std and Param in first year of college.
*Param and Barkha had love marriage.
*Their parents both are in army but resigned after the mishap.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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