Dreams Of Danger

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~Chapter Nine~

Elise's P.O.V

"What do you mean, I'm in danger?" I ask her, confused.

"These dreams you're having. Will be real very soon... Well, sort of. I know I'm not suppose to talk about the future, but you, Amy, Amy's fiancé, Rory, and the Doctor are going to be trapped in a dream world. You will be in separate dreams, they'll feel real, but you have to remember that they aren't. If it takes over, then you're putting the Doctor and his companions in danger, then there's only one way you'll get out of it and it will all be your choice." She tells me, her voice becoming more soft then stern as her face expression saddens.

"What is it? How? Tell me!" I yell, then she sighs.

"There's a Time Slip-"

"Time Slip?"

"If you jump in it, it will rewrite time... For you and the Doctor. You will never have met him, the Doctor and you will completely forget about everything that you ever went through together, and the Doctor Who show will just be a show to you. So, you'll never remember the Doctor, he won't remember you, but those memories will be replaced with other ones. Your Time Lord side will be put back into the Gallifreyan watch you have and the only way you'll remember... Is if the Doctor does and if comes back and helps you remember." She replies.

"Wait, so if I start to believe it's real, then that's the only way out. No, no, no, no. The Doctor will figure it out. He'll save us, he always does..." I laugh, nervously, as tears build up.

"No. I'm sorry, but, no. Not always." River said, a bit bluntly.

"But... I can't forget him! Please! No, I-"

My eyes snap open and my breathing is heavy, tears were streaming down my face and the Doctor wasn't anywhere to be found in my room. I got up, glancing at the clock and seeing it was 12:30, then continued walking to the living room, seeing that the Tardis was gone. I flopped down onto the couch, thinking about my dream and wondering what to do.

Around 1:00, the Tardis materializes in my living room and the Doctor pops out, smiling at me, then two more heads pop out, Amy's and Rory's.

"Uh, hello, I'm Rory." Rory said, awkwardly, walking up to me and reaching his hand out.

"Alright, how many adventures did you go on without me this time?" I ask him, standing up, my hair a mess and still in my clothes from yesterday.

"Oh, just one," He replied, obviously lying so I glared at him. "Ok, so about four," I roll my eyes and walk off back to my room. "Oh, Faith, come on, wait a minute." He rushed toward me then I slam the door in his face, locking it, walking over to my chest-of-drawers, grabbing blue skinny jeans, a red baggyish tank-top and then I slip on my red high-top converse.

Wait... If they just picked up Rory. The next episode would be... 'Amy's choice' except now it's mine... Wait, no! Of course! No! All three of them are together, so they'll wake up between the fake world and the real world which is on the Tardis, then... What happens to me? Wait, no, they were both fake, so does that mean... It doesn't matter what I do. If I believe either one is real. I still have to jump through the Time Slip.

"Oh no..." I breathed.

I pace around my room for a bit before deciding to walk out, once I do, I immediately see Amy, Rory and the Doctor making themselves at home. Amy and Rory were drinking my Dr. Peppers while the Doctor drank milk.

"Sure. Enjoy my food," I said, sarcastically, walking over and passing by the couch. "And all my Dr. Peppers." I walk around the couch and to the love-seat, then the Doctor walks over, sitting next to me.

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