Amelia Earhart

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~Chapter Eight~

Elise's P.O.V

Dashing out the Tardis, I ran into an airport field where Amelia was standing and talking to another pilot across the way.

"Stay cool. Ok," I breathed in and then out. "Let's go talk to her."

I ran over to her, and stood in front of her, grinning widely.

"Hello," She greeted me. "Who might you be?"

"Oh, I'm Faith," I shake her hand. "I'm a... beginning pilot," I show her my psychic paper. "I've been a big fan of yours since you first flew an airplane. I thought to myself; 'I wanna be like her.'"

"Oh, how sweet. When did you first become interested in flying?" She asks me, quite intrigued.

"Well, about a year ago." I reply, smiling.

Yeah. Flying a spaceship that looks like a phone-box.

the Doctor and Amy run up next to me, panting slightly.

"Hello, I'm the Doctor, her boyfriend and that's Amy." He points to her.

"Nice to meet you all. Are you two also beginning pilots?" She asks them.

"Oh no! Not really... We're just with Faith." The Doctor tells her, nodding over to me, clasping his hands together.

"Yeah, and I'm not exactly interested in flying a plane... Oh, but it is fun to fly in them." Amy laughs.

"Well, how would you all feel about having dinner with me at a restaurant tonight? I'll be leaving tomorrow so this may be your only chance until I get back." She tells us then we all nod to her.

"Sounds great." I tell her, smiling happily.


"Exactly! And then he was trying to tell me how to fly it!" Amelia said, all of us started bursting out laughing.

"Here's your food. Burger and fries," The Waiter sets the plate down in front of the Doctor and I, then he sets the chicken wings down in front of Amy, and the baked potatoes with fries in front of Amelia.

"Thanks so much." I thank him, then he smiled and walked off. The Doctor cuts the burger in half and hands me one half, then he gives me some fries off his plate.

"So, aren't you a fashion designer, too?" Amy asks her, then she takes a bite of her chicken wing.

"Yes, I am. Actually, what Faith is wearing is something I designed." She replied, then my face went pale as I looked at it.

"That's so bizarre." I laughed, taking a bite of my burger.

After a few minutes, we finished our food but continued talking for a couple hours until it was 9:00 PM.

"Well, I'd love to stay and talk longer but I have to be heading to bed. I have a big day tomorrow. It was nice meeting you all," She stands up. "Actually, how about you come by tomorrow at eight-thirty A-M. I'll be leaving at nine, so it would be great if you would see me off."

"That would be fantastic!" I tell her, nodding, then she smiles at us and walks out of the restaurant.

"Happy?" The Doctor asks me, smiling.

"You have no idea!" I said, covering my face and trying not to squeal.


"Isn't she amazing! First woman pilot, so kindhearted, and funny!" I tell him, walking over to my closet and grabbing a big shirt, then I close the closet doors and change in the closet, also grabbing a pair of leggings, then I walk back out, and I'm immediately embraced in his arms.

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