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The sun from the window felt warm against her skin

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The sun from the window felt warm against her skin. Her eyelids strained as he fought to open them. Every joint in her body ached with the pain of not being used for so long. She squinted as she looked around the room, the light too bright.

She could see flowers, balloons, and get-well-soon cards everywhere. She didn't know how long she'd been gone. She hoped it wasn't too long.

Suddenly, an intern walked in to do the usual routine check of her vitals. She was so occupied with her clipboard, she still hadn't realized Catalina was awake. The nurse mumbled incoherent things as she walked over to the heart monitor.

Catalina's eyes followed her every move, waiting patiently for her to notice. She would've spoken but her throat was so dry that nothing would come out. 

Finally, the nurse finally looked down at her, for a second it was as if she couldn't process that the woman that's been in a coma for most of her internship was actually awake. Many other interns and doctors told her Catalina would never wake up. That her husband was too delusional to let her go.

The intern sucked in a breath in shock before pressing a button at the head of the head and quickly started asking Catalina questions. Catalina shook her head, pointing at her throat to tell her she needed water.

After gulping down the water the intern had given her, she started answering the intern's questions as more doctors and nurses bustled into the room. Catalina couldn't believe that she was finally awake. It felt like she'd just woken up from a very long dream.

Her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest as she watched all these doctors and nurses check her vitals. She knew they had all thought she wouldn't make it. She wasn't a stranger to the few of them that would stand outside her room talking about how delusional Eddie was for sticking around so long.

Catalina couldn't tell how much time had passed since she'd woken back up but soon a nurse peeked in quickly to let her know that they contacted Eddie, that he was on his way right now. Catalina took a deep breath, mindlessly fiddling with her wedding ring as he chewed on her bottom lip.

She and Eddie didn't leave things on great terms before she disappeared to that middle space between the living and the dead. She was scared that Eddie took her being gone as a sign to finally move on--not that Buck would've let him. 

There were moments where Catalian swore that Buck held more hope for her waking up than Eddie ever did. It might be because Buck always has to find the positive in everything; he gets too attached to people very quickly and can't come to terms with them leaving.

Even when she was a ghost, she had grown a solid friendship with Buck and she could only imagine how he'd react when he sees her awake.

Suddenly, three sets of quick footsteps could be heard down the hallway, getting closer and closer to Catalina's room. Soon enough, Eddie bursts into the room with Christopher in his arms. Tilly and Judd are just behind him.

𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 | 9-1-1 𝙁𝙤𝙭 ✓Where stories live. Discover now