By the time the bowl was empty, the corpse of the woman was gone and so was Alfredo. Bed springs twinging and pinging was obvious throughout the house as Tex merely sniggered. It was just another day to him and he seemed intent on enjoying the misery which filled the kitchen. If suffering came in liquid form, the room would be flooded. Sniffling away, Junior snapped the buckle of Brittany's muzzle and cut at the rope with a kitchen knife to free her when realising she was caught too tight to simply untie. Stepping back he returned to picking up the utensils he had used and ventured to the sink. She looked around desperately but as Tex tutted, she seemed to grip the reality of the situation, she would be outgunned.
"Now you just sit there." He told her and she took the seat opposite to me across the stained and chipped table. Her blue eyes were bloodshot from all the weeping she had done. She tilted her head as if to communicate something and in return I only shook mine. I didn't know what she wanted to say or know and as Tex adjusted his legs, his arms wrapped tighter and rested his chin against my shoulder inspecting her. "Girls, don't you be gossiping now." He scolded, "Tink already isn't too happy with you and you wouldn't want to go grinding up his gears, would you?" Again I shook my head, keeping eye contact with her until she repeated the notion. "That's what I like to hear. Now why don't you two make yourselves useful and clear up some of this mess." Tilting his knees pointedly I felt the clap of his hands against my bottom as I stood and resisting the urge to smack him in retaliation, I nodded for Brittany to do the same as the water from the sink continued to splash.
It was typical to say the least when expecting the dishes that the cutlery had been whipped away clearly for the protection of those who so sorely deserved a knife in the torso or head. Instead I gripped at a plate and tilted my head with a small wave of my hand to let her know she was allocated to cups. She collected them, appearing relieved not to be touching what was practically painted in blood and juices. The liquid pasted together and jiggled about the plate as I sucked in a breath through the nozzle and laid them beside where Junior stood already busying himself with the housework. Brittany hesitantly and slowly followed and knowing who and what she feared kept my ground so she would have me between them if he decided to tug or lunge for her. It would happen sooner or later, I was sure of that but in this moment I was a barrier and one she peered at gratefully for knowing what I was doing.
Placing a hand against her quivering one, I nodded slowly ensuring that Tex wouldn't see and suspect any scheming. Removing my fingers before the blonde could see as he turned and stretched his legs out I moved past her deciding it was in her best interests if I did so.
"Girls, which one of you wants to scrub the mess off the floor?" Seeing the younger female flinch at the carnage he pointed out with a wave of his hand, I lifted my own to show I would do it. He looked amused but pushed himself to stand and passed over the brush tucked away by the corner of the wall. Not giving him time to be smug about how well his instructions were being followed, I gripped it and swept at the mess of teeth and chunks of skin. It had not been a dignified way to go and I felt nothing but sympathy for the woman. I was dubious that I could rest when my body was as desecrated in death as it had been in life. Taking the cleaning tool from me he passed a scrubber and raised an eyebrow, his head tipped in hint as I exhaled through my nose. Lowering myself onto my knees, he placed a small bucket down at my feet and stepped back. "Need to scrub harder than that." It was difficult enough with one hand but pressing down what weight I possessed I brushed hard enough for the bristles to chip away at the crumbling congealing blood which had already started crusting. "Maybe your little friend should help?"
In the corner of my eye, I saw Brittany step forwards to do so and shook my head curtly at her. It was undignified to clean up their mess and destruction but there was more to it than that. She didn't deserve to be pushed and whipped by Junior, Tex or any of the Sawyers and I was determined to be of some use in helping her. She backed away as I showed I didn't need help and leaned more onto my good side panting at the strain and then halting at the tap that came from my butt cheek. "Harder honey." Furiously I noticed again, beating with more difficulty and feeling the beads of sweat form on my forehead as a result. My fingers burned and twisted as I applied further pressure and tried to ignore the way he diligently pushed the sole of his boot at me so he could see with more ease. Humiliation burned in me but did as he implied.
I shook my head again at the movement that came from the side, she wanted to offer aid, to help as horror scripted over her delicate features. I knew where it was going as well as she did but for what hope there was, I wanted to believe that the blonde could contain himself even if just for long enough that she didn't have to see. It was foolish to think that out of everything, I just wanted her to not witness my weakness at his hands. Shuddering in determination, I scratched and scrubbed, more of the red blending away before I dipped it into the water at my side. It splashed vigorously as I sought to finish the task at hand sooner rather than later. The powdered scarlet scraps slickened once the water caught contact, I powered through.
"There's a good girl. That's more like it." I ignored the praise and felt the rhythm he had conjured at the expense of my backside. I could hear the tap as he emerged closer and saw the widened eyes of Brittany's doe eyes tell me enough about what he was doing. Gripping a cloth, she wasted no time throwing herself down beside me and mopping up what I broke off. I could hear her rasping breaths behind her gag as she stared empathetically at me for a moment. Her hand touched mine lightly and nodded to show that she was returning the favour of trying to protect me as I had her. Tears stung and formed in my eyes but I shrugged it off at the next nudge I was given. "Well lookie at you behaving yourself."
"Well shit, I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it." Tinker's voice interrupted the mocking triumph in his younger brother's voice. Side eyeing as he entered the room he chuckled at the sight before him. "When you said she was good on her knees, I figured you meant something other than cleaning."
"Mama would be proud. Should we show her?"
"Mama's napping, Heather too so why don't we just watch over the young ladies now. Seems they want to be so helpful, I'm sure we could rustle up a few chores." My teeth gritted against the bit.
"I don't see why not. Unless Junior here wants to play a little with his lady toy?" The male in question splashed against the water in the basin. "Well, just you then Lori." Like a child whose toy was about to be taken away, the redhead was gripped by the elbow roughly with wet and rough hands. Dropping the crimson tinted dishcloth she cried out in both pain and shock as he wrapped a bulky arm around her waist. Tink sniggered as he leant against the wall, Tex just waving her off with gleeful delight as she thrashed and kicked.
"Take that as a no." Tink chuckled.
"I thought it was more of a maybe." His brother joked joyously. "We'll see if he comes back."
"You want to bet on it."
"Not a chance." Tex sighed, "be a real pain getting him to come out later, seems to really like this one."
"He liked the last one too."
"Think all that matters is our little lady here seems to as well. Looks like you can teach a bitch new tricks after all." Halting my action, i wasn't surprised to feel a kick usher me forwards and struggle to keep balance. "Keep your sweet ass working."

Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now