16. Behind the bars

Start from the beginning

Right now I didn't have a plan, I still needed to come up with one. Maybe if I could gain some time I'd figure out how to escape. Yeah, that's right, I needed to pretend that I was considering this lunatic's offer.

I raise an eyebrow and pretend to be thinking about it while I gave a glance towards Kalatril, hoping that he wasn't going to 'cooperate', but when I saw his resting face and a tint of doubt that I immediately recognize as fake, I realize one important detail that made the whole situation way more complicated than it should be. Kalatril could regenerate. If the army found out what his bones were made of, then it would be goodbye peaceful execution and hello eternity of torture. After all, humans were extremely greedy, if cutting apart a young man would provide them with an immense quantity of thraunt, then they would do it.

I bite my lip, this time, because I had just understood how critical the situation was.

I turn my head towards the man and ask:

-Could we talk with your master? So that we can get confirmation for what you said, I say, hoping that I don't sound too autoritive, one of the key things to remember whilst in front of the enemy is that you need to be underestimated, so that when you attack, they won't see it coming.

The smile that once covered the man's face got replaced by an annoyed face as soon as I formulated my request.

-Since when do miserable prisoners think they can ask things? I see no reason for me to call in the my master, his words were dark and I mentally facepalm my face, did I fuck this up?

Just as the man took a step forwards, I hear somebody else's steps outside a few meters away.

The door opens before the man can clash his club on my arms and a young man with ash colored hair all spiked up in different directions with the devil horns sigil on his forehead came in.

-You. Who gave you the order to interrogate the prisoners? I don't remember passing the message.

If this man was the one that decided if the interrogation should happen or not, then he must be important.
The man wiped off his arrogant look as soon as the young officer came in.

-Officer Edmond d-did, sir, answers the man with a shaking voice.

Officer Edmond? I turn towards Kalatril, that was the name of the officer's badge I had found on him.
Who exactly had he decided to screw with?

-Pray tell, is my second in command the one who's father hired you?

The question wasn't really one since a 'yes' didn't seem like a possible answer.

-N-No sir.

-Exactly. Now out!, his tone was sharp as he commanded his subordinate to leave.

-Yes sir!

The man didn't even take the time to replace his weapon upon the tray and scurried out of the room, as soon as did, the young man closed the door and sighed heavily whilst shuffling his hair.

-Leith Oak. I will be the one in charge of you during the following interrogation. First question. Are you chosen one's?

Kalatril opens his mouth to lie but I shut him up with a harsh glare. I was the one that could take care of this kind of situation the better.

-Yes we are. Now that you have confirmation, you can set us free.

Kalatril looks at me in shock but trusts me enough with this so doesn't interrupt.
'Leith', though, has a stern face shown, but behind it was hidden some curiosity.

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