vii. Are you okay?

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Mi Ra sat in silence as she waited for the bus to arrive. Hand busily scrolling the phone while Taeyeon's voice bled through the earphones, drowning out her surroundings.

Today was pretty eventful to say the least. After Seurim and Hana's confrontation, it feels like one of her burdens had been taken away from her shoulder. Even though it won't be the last time, at least Mi Ra managed to tell them that she isn't an easy person to pick a fight with.

But because of that, the rumors about her also increased among the first year. Some people said she grabbed Seurim's neck until she couldn't breathe, while the other thought they were having a big fight and causing Mi Ra to almost break the Anh girl's arm.

Mi Ra scoffed silently, their eyes surely needed to be checked again. How come grabbing someone else's arm suddenly turned into a big fight. Luckily the teachers didn't hear a single thing about their small quarrel.

Neither Hyun Ki or Sera know about this. Mi Ra purposely didn't tell them knowing how they were going to react. Especially Sera, that girl would definitely throw a tantrum if she knew someone dared to bother Mi Ra.

As Mi Ra relished into the next song, the fatigue and exhaustion of the day began to consume her being. Putting down her phone, she leaned on the wall and watched as a lot of vehicles passed by in front of her.

Mi Ra swayed her legs softly as she reached up her hand to readjust the earphones in her ears. She drowned herself in the calming sound of music.

She was about to close her eyes when a flash of dark clothes caught her sight. She looked up, expecting another person who wanted to take a seat, only to see Lee Suho stand in front of her with a contorted expression.

A frown and confusion adorned her face. " Hey, are you okay? — "

Suddenly he collapsed beside Mi Ra. She barely processed what just happened, but caught Suho's arm right away so he wouldn't fall to the ground.

' What the heck?! '

Mi Ra grunted slightly as she adjusted his position. " Lee Suho?! Le Suho?! What happened to you?! " Her tone was worried for him as all she could see was his scrunched up expression and face full of sweats, his chest rapidly rising and down.

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