Technology vs conviction

Start from the beginning

—Hosu police precinct—

Our trio arrive with Midnight just as the meeting gets underway. When they enter the room they where taken aback by the who's who of heroes the Hosu chief, Kenji Tsuragamae, had brought in: Uwabami, Crust, Manual, X-Less, and a bunch of lower ranked heroes from Hosu, along with Endeavour and Shoto. That last one surprised the trio as an operation like this would merit scalpel like precision, not sledgehammer like force that Endeavour was know for.

"Ah, you've finally arrived we were just about to start. Woof". The chief states ending in a woof, not unsurprising as the chief was part dog, a bloodhound specifically.

"You'd think with all that cash and tech, they'd make a teleporter or at least invest in a watch". One of the lower ranked heroes joked in a quiet time to a colleague.

The joke did not go unheard.

"Oh, the teleportation tech just blew a fuse, so we had to fly". Melissa states in a smug voice looking directly at the hero who made the joke, who immediately covered their face and tried to make themselves as small as possible, which was easy since they could shrink.

(They carried Midnight to the station, by the way)

"Anyway. I'm assuming you all know why you're here"? The chief asks, hoping to avoid any complications.

"To locate, and subdue the hero killer. As a team". Crust states with his usual extravagance and positivity, causing many of the lower ranked heroes and Endeavour to stifle a groan at the work 'teamwork'.

"Precisely, which is why I brought in rank 57: Foxhound and rank 44: Dog Soldier, for their tracking abilities, along Uwabami and Midnight for their expert capture skills, and as you can see I've requested the UAs 'genius trio' to aid us with their advanced technology, Endeavour, Crust and the rest of you are the muscle". The chief explains to the group, laying out their purpose in the plan.

"How do we even know that Stains still in Hosu and hasn't fled the city"? A lower ranked hero questions grumpily.

"Because he hasn't killed enough heroes yet". Izuku states bluntly causing everyone's heads to turn with stunned looks.

"Please explain Monitor. Woof". The chief asks, using Izuku's hero name.

"Mei". Izuku says, causing his friend to remove a segment of nanotech and toss it onto the table they were all sitting at. As a result a hologram of three wards appears.

"Over the past few months Stain has hit these three wards, with two commonalities amongst his victims. 1. He kills 3-4 heroes per ward. And 2. Each hero has a stigma of negativity surrounding them, sponsorship greed, lax self-control, extensive property damage, taking bribes, etc:, so since Stain has only killed two heroes in Hosu and merely crippled Ingenium, trust us he's still here". Izuku explains to the stunned reactions of the heroes present as he shows each murdered hero and their associated crimes.

"Wait how did you get this information, and why weren't the public informed"? Uwabami asks, still stunned at the fact that every hero killed was guilty of something.

"The HSPC doesn't like this stuff getting out so, they suppress all negative press around heroes. Think about it, when was the last time the news covered a hero losing a fight or getting fired". Melissa explains, causing conversations to breakout amongst the heroes present.

Metal Soul, Heroes Heart, and Dirty Hands {on hiatus}Where stories live. Discover now