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Blud, I'm writing this at 1 a.m. I WILL continue my FPE fanfic dw. All credits to the OG artist of this BOOTIFUL cover.
Lurking empty spaces that wasted ink and paper, there were still canons and scripts of the Caddels family. Five brothers and five hundred problems.

It at all started way back at the Little Production high school. Y/N was not a rebel, he's far more complex than that. He's just... Different. And exactly because he stood out, everyone feared him.

Not because of his looks, he was a droll for stud, but the power that Y/N and his brothers hold.

Sure, every character scribbled on a sheet with ink has their own characteristics, but, people feared that the young five Caddels might one day want to have something bigger than their hands could grasp.

But the society was unaware that giving the innocent one a wrong look could change the path of the person.

And, well, today, that wrong look ended in the principals office.

Y/N got picked on, bullied that turned into a fight, again. It sure did become a routine at this point but it was starting to get on his nerves. If he threw one last punch on the other students face, but a hard one, they'd be hospitalised.

Y/N's patched up face stared at the wooden ground, even though the others words hurt him, he felt actual shame that he broke the students nose and it showed.

"It's not the first time young master was getting picked on, Ryan." the principal spoke to Y/N's eldest brother who just held his younger siblings bandaged hand, the bandages going around his bruised knuckles.

"I know ma'am... I know." Ryan spoke in a deadpan voice but his gaze softened. "I understand that he can't control it. He's dealing with a lot of problems and so are you and the rest of young Caddels." the principal said in a reassuring tone.

"So.. I think it'd be the best if Y/N transfered. Before you say anything, no, we're not expelling him. This is just for his own good. We have proof it was self defence. So, for the best, take your brother to a..." the principal paused, trying to find a good word to put it in.

"... Less-rebelled school. I repeat, we're not expelling him. Trust me. If we were, I'd have the security with me." the principals calm voice echoed in Y/N's ears but those words came out as a mere whisper.

He screwed up big. But both the headmasteress and his brother reassured it was not his fault. Yet the blame was eating him alive. His disorders are already enough trouble, so why not accept the fact it's not his fault.

Sure, the other student started it and it was self defence, but why couldn't he shake off the guilt?

He snapped out of his thoughts when Ryan rubbed his shoulder and pulled him in a side embrace as he discussed something with the headmasteress. Y/N wasn't paying attention to their conversation, his attention shifted back to his bruised hands.

All those years of bullying, he snapped.

His anger issues weren't in good terms with him and he was actually being a hypocrite. He enjoyed letting his bottled anger out by kicking something so hard until his hands got scarred.

The way back home wasn't exactly joyful. The gaze of his other three brothers in the bus were showing sympathy and he felt weak. Vulnerable. Pathetic.

Monster he repeated the words of the broken nosed boy. He couldn't get them out.

"Hey." Kaz, the second eldest brother placed his hands on Y/N's shoulders, lowering himself a bit to the level of his younger sibling.

"Don't you dare take it to heart what that asshat said. You hear me?" his cold voice sent reassuring chills down Y/N's spine but he nodded.

Ryan, Ace and Ezra said nothing. But their gaze spoke for them. They had the little mentally unstable troublemakers back. And they wanted to have their brother feel that they've got his back.

But he refused to do so.

He simply felt like what everyone else told him he was. How everyone else pictured him because of his instability.

A monster.
Word count: 719

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