"Is it really time?"

Nayliä tried her best to pay attention to how close the false contractions were.

Wait a minute, false contractions? Her water didn't even break!

But all the stress piling up on her was too much. If she wasn't careful she would accidentally induce herself into an early labor. She moved her body to another position with the help of her mates and the pain went away.

"No...it's just false ones, I'm good."

Jake shook his head, "I think you need to go home. This isn't a good place to stay in your condition."

For once, Nayliä almost agreed but she did a quick head count.

"Wait, where are the girls?"

Neytiri moved in the shadows with one thought on her mind, get her daughters back as quickly as possible.

Although Nayliä only experienced those pre-labor contractions, Neytiri knew that she would only have those if she was close to actually giving birth. So both her and Jake knew they had to move quickly.

The woman moved close to the ground but fired her bow at each opportunity she got.

Jake didn't work with her directly but made sure to keep his eye on her.

He caught sight of Tuk and jogged over to her, and wasted no time in cutting her free.

"You gotta help Liia!"

His eyes wandered around until they landed on a balled up Liia. He approached her and got down to her level. He could hear her crying and sniffling. When he reached for her she flinched away from him. What the hell happened?

"Hey babygirl, it's just me. Let me help you."

The girl got up slowly and revealed her bruised body and the cuts along her face. Jake had to bite back the snarl itching to escape him from the sight of his daughter looking beat up.

Liia launched herself at him and sobbed. Jake turned to Tuk, "What happened?"

"He took Kiri! Liia tried to stop him."

Quaritch came around the corner holding a knife to Kiri's throat. Jake placed Liia next to Tuk, behind him.

"Running out of time Corporal. You already almost lost your wife and your son. Not to mention the little one got herself a good beat down," he forced Kiri to walk forward and put the knife deeper into her skin, "Do you really want to keep pushing my patience?"

Jake growled and stepped closer but Quaritch raised his knife more, "Do not test me!"

Kiri could see the internal debate her dad was having but after seeing what they did to Liia she just wanted Quaritch dead.

"Just kill him dad!"

"Weapons down. Now!"

Jake reluctantly dropped them to the floor and kicked them away.

Quaritch threw something at him and he noticed it was handcuffs.

"Cuff yourself."

Unknowingly to them, Spider and Neytiri moved in the background. The boy was unaware that Neytiri was behind him because he was focused on saving Kiri.

He ran out in front of the avatar who had his father's memories.

"Stop! Don't hurt her!"

Quaritch pointed a stern finger at him, "Stay there! Don't take another step!" He gave Jake his full attention again and demanded for him to put the handcuffs on.

Jake let out a string of curses but he complied.

That's when Neytiri launched into action. She grabbed Spider harshly and placed her knife against his neck.

Even though they both were in unpleasant situations, the two teens begged their parents to set the other one free.

Neytiri only tilted her head dangerously at Quaritch, "A child for a child."

If the demon even attempted to hurt her daughter, she would have no issue in killing his son.

"Release or I cut."

When she didn't get a response she raised her blade up with a yell causing Quaritch to do the same.

But as she looked at the boy in her grasp, she thought to herself could she really kill him? A child she didn't always feel fond of but she had watched him grow over the years. He had always clung to her wife more than anyone. She couldn't blame him for who his father was but when she watched Kiri struggle, she believed herself to be capable of killing the child in front of her.

When Quaritch noticed her hardened expression, he panicked.

"No!" He pushed Kiri far from himself and Neytiri released Spider from her harsh grip.

Nayliä sat in silence and watched the sinking ship with narrowed eyes. Every instinct in her body told her to go after her family. Neteyam was holding her hand so tightly but she returned his immense strength. She didn't know why but her wound didn't hurt as bad anymore. She assumed it was because it was all patched up.

Lo'ak was pacing in front of them but when a loud explosive went off and fire started to spread he made his mind up.

He didn't give anyone a second to comprehend his body diving into the water.

Neteyam stood up and called for him but he didn't even glance back at him.

He groaned and turned to his mom," Stay here, I'll go get him."

Nayliä stood up, "I'll be damned if I let you go back on that demon ship alone."

"But Mama, you're hurt, you shouldn't be out there."

Nayliä shook her head, "We go together, remember?"

"Tsireya, stay here in case the others come back, alright?"

The young girl was scared to be alone but she was even more afraid to go with them so she stayed silent.

Nayliä gave her a knife and a spear before she left with her son right behind her.

Nayliä gave her a knife and a spear before she left with her son right behind her

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