Chapter 3

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Veronica's pov:
After our last classes of the day we decided to walk home, once the three of us gathered our things up we headed outside, I took Cheryls hand to make sure she doesn't get lost, we still don't know if we have a sneaky little in our hands and better safe than sorry so we hold her hand and keep an eye on her on the street.

- "House big?" I hear Cheryl say, she had a sweet baby tone, i figure she was in her space, or at least getting into the headspace.

-"Yes darling, it's quite big, perfect for you to play around, im sure you like that" I respond to her sweet question, indeed our house was quite big, specially Bettys and mines room, and of course, the soon-to-be Cheryl's nursery.

Once we arrive home, I notice Cheryl is looking every which way, she seemed amazed by everything she saw, we found it adorable.

I decided to take Cheryl for a little tour, specially so she can see her new room for the first time.

-" Who's ready to see their new room huh?" I ask expecting a sweet baby-ish answer.

-"Me mommy me!" my eyes get wider as I hear what she answered, did she just called me mommy for the first time? This is moving faster than i thought and I'm loving it, that was the best answer I could ever get.

I open her room door which had a Rainbow made in macrame, it had soft pastel color, matched perfectly with the room.
Once we enter we are welcomed with a wooden-like crib, medium size, perfect for Cheryl to sleep comfortable in, a few shelves with not many books and two stuff animals, a Giraffe and a unicorn, there is also a changing table with drawers which worked as a closet too, right by it, a box which will soon be filled with toys of Cheryls desire, finally, a big round pink fluffy soft carpet is on the floor, perfect place for any baby to play.

"-I wuv it!" I hear Cheryl say after a small gasp, her little excitement face was adorable, all i want is to make her happy.

-" Im glad you like it Cutie, anything for you" i say as i care her hair from behind, my mother side is revealing now, i wanna be the sweetest mommy to Cher, she deserves it.

I hear Betty walk upstairs and slowly open the door, she saw us and smiles standing from the door frame.

-"So, what do we think of the nursery Cher?" I smile hearing Bettys voice, her tone is often sweet, but with Cher is particularly sweeter,
It's clearly her voice for babies, and I find it adorable, Cher just answered with a smiley head nodding.

-" Cher, since you're gonna stay with us from now on, we'd like to talk about some rules, is that okey with you?" I ask her, getting a small nod in response, me and Betty we sit on the pink carpet, I invite Cheryl to seat on my lap and she slowly does, at first she was tense, but I held her hand and cared it in order for her to relax, she started to lay back on my chest.

-" Cheryl, you will call us mommy and mama, when you're in your space of course, but as baby it's mandatory" Betty said the first rule, we find it important and if she ever has any problems with calling us such things, we could talk about it.

-" I am gonna be mommy and Betty is gonna be mama" I point to each other when explaining this, we don't wanna mix up our names for her, hopefully she'll remember this.

-"Next rule, we will never do anything which could potentially hurt you physically or psychologically, which means punishments won't be physical, no hitting at all, this is a safe space for you" I notice Cheryl's face looks relieved that she won't deal with anything physical, my poor girl must have some severe trauma over this, and we would never wanna trigger it.

-" Following that, punishments will consist in time out, and only in extreme cases, taking away toys" Cheryl seemed to accept this rule, Im very glad she understands this is all for her own good.

-" Last rule, If anything or anyone bothers you, you tell mama or mommy as soon as you can, for your safety" I say the last rule, I look into Cheryls eyes, she nodded and gave me a small smile, what a lovely little girl we gave got, i know we will have so much fun together.

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