Chapter 2

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Cheryl's pov:
Im looking up at Betty and Veronica, they look worried, but they make me feel safe, Im slowly calming down, I hold onto my bunny tight and shaking a little I feel Betty wipe my tears and i give her a gentle smile.

-"Relax cher, we think it's adorable you're a little...of course if you're one, mabye we are assuming wrongly" I look over at Ronnie when she says that.

-"I- I am a little" I whisper bitting my lip trying to hold back a new wave of tears, i felt vulnerable admitting that, but deep inside I knew this truth would come out, specially to them, just didnr expected it to be today.

-"Cheryl, can you tell us why mabye? Is there anything we can help you with?" said Betty as she rubbed my back, I looked up at her for a second and slowly lay my head on her shoulder, one single tear drops from my eye.

-"Trauma, Its my form of copying, and Im scared to show my true self" I say after i take a deep breath so my voice doesn't crack while explaining.

-"Since when has this happened, when did you find out you liked this?" asked Ronnie, playing with the ends of my hair which helped me relax.

-"Im not sure, mabye a year?" I answer wiping my tears, i play with my bunny ears looking down.

-"Cher...could me and ronnie ask you something?" Betty said as she sat up, gently taking my hand, followed by Ronnie taking my other hand.

-"We were wondering if.... you had a mommy, or a daddy, or a caregiver, or anyone who could potentially take care of you when in your headspace?" I hear Betty said, she looked very nervious asking for this.

-"No, no no, i have nobody, i don't trust anyone enough to take care of me, neither i have asked anyone" I sight, but I notice Betty and Ronnie exchanging looks, they look like they are agreeing on something.

-"Cher darling, Betty and me we been looking for a little for a while, we've asked many littles but none where our type, we think you would be perfect and we would love to take care of you, if you'd like of course, no pressure at all" said Ronnie as she moved my hair out of my face.

-"I, I actually would love that, but what if i'm a burden? I don't wanna bother" I look at them both, they give me a warm smile and a small giggle.

-"You're never a burden Cher, in fact, we already have a room for you, you know Ronnie and I live together for a while, and we have a room specially designed for a nursery, we'd love for you to live with us there" I hear Betty say, it instantly made me smile and very excited, suddenly all the tears are away and the three of us are smiling big.

-"In that case, i'd love to be your little, thanks you girls, you're amazing" i say to them looking back and forth to them, i can't thank them enough for this, they make me feel safe and accepted and it's a feeling haven't had for a very long time.

-"Hey, not to ruin this lovely moment, but it's almost lunch time, and i think our baby needs some food" Ronnie said tickling my tummy softly making me giggle, Betty then picked up mine and hers bag and we walked out of the bathroom the three of us together.

Betty's pov:
We finally got a little, I can't be more happy about it, Ronnie and I we been looking for a long time for one, and we are both positive Cher is the perfect little girl for us.

-"Yay! Pizza for lunch!" I hear Cher say, she talked quietly, wanting only us to hear and nobody else, this poor girl wants to keep her status so badly she doesn't even wanna show her excitement towards pizza.

-"Yes darling, we are all excited for it" said Ronnie as she was seating down, three three of us with our trays in front of us, Cher was sitting next to Ronnie and i'm sitting right in front of them.

The three of us begin to eat, chatting a little about life, we didn't wanted to bother Cher with anything that just happened, she needs to keep her mind of it for a while.

-"Cher, since it's friday and well, you know about our special room for you in our house, would you like to stay over at mine and Bettys house? See this as a sleepover and to see if you like us to take care of you, also to meet your hopefully new nursery" I nod to what Ronnie said, looking back and forth at Cher and V, Im bitting my lip at her words, we are both scared we went too fast with her and we scare her.

I relax at the nod Cher gave Ronnie once she finished explaining our plan, she seemed very excited, which makes me excited too, I wonder what she likes to do in her space and I can't wait to see the cute baby we have in our hands.

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