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As the legendary armor hero, and the elemental manipulator, alongside the red power sphera got back to Laskar Station, the elemental prince immediately went to his friends as he informed them that they have trainings. "So your saying that we have training?" The speed manipulator asked as she looked at the elemental manipulator. "Yes, its' to increase our durability and skills. Since the commander saw on how we fail some missions, he told me that were gonna train under Admiral Maskmana and Admiral Amato." The elemental prince continued to explain to his teammates about this training. "Huhu! I thought we escaped training!" The molecular manipulator cried out as his teammates sighed. "Savage trials' more worst, you know?" The elemental manipulator spoke with a light chuckle.

"Yeah, hes right! Plus, its' for our selves too!" The gravity manipulator spoke inorder to encourage her teammates in training. "Your right, the commander just wants whats' best for us." The shadow manipulator spoke as he gave his teammates a encouraging look. "Fine" The molecular manipulator spoke as he gave out a slight frown. "Thats' the sprit, Gopal!" The elemental manipulator poke in a cheerful voice as their names got called. "Calling the attention of, Gopal, Ying, Yaya, Fang, Boboiboy. Please head to the training room. I repeat, calling the attention of, Gopal, Yaya, Ying, Fang, Boboiboy. Please head to the training room. Thank you." The anomunyous announcer spoke as the kokotiam gang headed to the training room. As they got to the training room, they were greeted by the two Admirals. Admiral Maskmana and Admiral Amato. "Greetings, cadets." The man with a mask spoke as he looked at the kokotiam gang. "Greetings, Admiral Maskmana and Admiral Amato!" The kokotiam gang spoke with a cheerful voice as they did the TAPOPS salute, both of the Admirals did the same. "You all will be going on simulations to recue a fake power sphera. Also known as a fake mission. But first you all should warm up." The legendary armor hero spoke as both of the Admirals headed to the place on where their gonna watch the kokotiam gang. 

As they got to the place on where their gonna watch the kokotiam gang, they explained briefly on what to do in this mission. "All clear, cadets?" The man with a mask asked the fellow cadets. "Crystal, Admiral Maskmana!" The kokotiam gang spoke as they once again did the TAPOPS salute. "Your training begins now!" The masked man spoke as he hit the red button inorder for the simulation to start. Things began to be full with smoke as both of the Admirals cannot be seen anymore. A large explosion caught the attention of the kokotiam gang as they put their guards up. "Boboiboy Cyclone!" The elemental prince spoke as he blew the smoke away. As the elemental prince did, they saw that there were some monsters were about to attack them. "Yaya, Ying! Distract the monsters while me, Gopal, and Fang try to find the power sphera!" The elemental prince informed them. "Sure thing!" The speed manipulator and the gravity manipulator both spoke as they fought with the monsters. The elemental prince, the molecular manipulator, and the shadow manipulator seeked for the power sphera. "There!" The shadow manipulator pointed to the unguarded power sphera. Or so they thought. A huge monster suddenly appeared as it attacked the trio, which the elemental prince dodged, but his teammates didnt. "Amma! Appa!" The molecular manipulator cried out. "Boboiboy Quake!" The elemental prince spoke as he went to his teammates as he protected them. "Earth barrier!" The elemental prince spoke as he helped his teammates get on their feet again.

"Fang and i will distract the monster, while you get the power sphera. Clear?" The elemental prince explained to his teammates the plan as he got a little strict on them. "Clear." The molecular manipulator alongside the shadow manipulator spoke together as they nodded. "Good, now lets' go!" The elemental prince gave them a brave look as they continued their plan. "Shadow tiger! Attack!" The shadow manipulator spoke as a shadow tiger appeared and attacked the huge monster. "Boboiboy Thunderstorm!" The elemental prince spoke as he turned into Thunderstorm. "Thunderstorm slash!" The elemental prince spoke as the huge monster got electrocuted. "Now Fang!" The elemental prince commanded the shadow manipulator as the shadow manipulator spoke. "Shadow hand!" The shadow manipulator shouted as the shadow hand wrapped at he huge monster. "Boboiboy Ice!" The elemental prince spoke as he turned into Ice, and then, he summoned his bow as he shot the huge monster until it freezes. "Did you got it, Gopal?" The shadow manipulator asked the molecular manipulator as the molecular manipulator showed up with the fake power sphera as the simulation faded. The elemental prince and the shadow manipulator stopped using their abilities as their training was finished. "Amazing teamwork, cadets!" The masked man spoke as both of the Admirals clapped. "If it wasnt for Boboiboys' leadership, we couldve' failed this training!" The speed manipulator complimented the elemental prince. "Heh. Thanks, Ying" The elemental prince smiled as he sighed softly. "Damn, that took my energy." The elemental prince spoke as i gave a awkward look. "If thats the case, we'll continue the training tomorrow." The legendary armor hero spoke as he smiled at his only son. "Thank you, Admiral Amato!" The kokotiam spoke as they all did the TAPOPS salute as they walked out of the training room.

--!Time skip--

The kokotiam gang was at the cafeteria drinking some drinks theyve got there. "Man, that training drained half of my energy." The elemental prince complained as he took a sip of this drink. "Agreed. But hey! Atleast we didnt fail it!" The speed manipulator spoke in a encouraging voice. "Have you guys heard?" The molecular manipulator spoke up. "No, spill it" The elemental prince looked at his bestfriend as he was interested. "Okay so, Mr. papa told us that we have a mathematics tes-"

"A test? YESS!" The speed manipulator and the gravity manipulator spoke in a excited way. "ANOTHER ONE?! NOO!" The shadow and the elemental prince complained. While the speed manipulator and the gravity manipulator were excited. "I know right? We have training and a test! Has Mr. papa gone insane?!" The molecular manipulator also complained as he cried out. "When does it start?" The elemental prince asked the molecular manipulator. "Around this ti-"

"Are you students ready for the test of JUCTICE?" The man with a 'P' belt suddenly appeared behind them as most of them jumped. "I havent studied yet!" The elemental prince cried out to his teacher as the others agreed. "Do you see this face? Does justice looks like he CARES?" The man said out loud. Now the kokotiam found themselves taking their exam at a private room while Papa Zola was watching them. "Why." The elemental manipulator complained. As they all finish their exams they all sigh in relief that its' over. Expect for the speed manipulator and the gravity manipulator. "Im gonna be on first place!" The speed manipulator spoke as she glare at the gravity manipulator. "No, i will!" The gravity manipulator spoke as she also glared at the speed manipulator. "Theyre at it again.." The elemental manipulator spoke in disbelief.

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