Sugar to the liquid

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When the lights came back on, Nessie looked up into her parents' regretful eyes.

With tears welling up in her eyes, Nessie was unable to speak because she knew Marco was nearby and had heard as well.

Dad' she said glancing over to marco allowing Edward to read her mind as his stare set on marco when Renessme slowy ran up in her room slamming the door behind.


Rosalie, Alice, and Bella—who appears to be quite upset—followed upstairs as Marco worriedly yelled.

"What have you done?"

As they gave each other a death stare and both of their wrists were clenched, Marco asked Jake in an authoritative tone.

"It is not your business!"

Jacob raises his voice to a booming level that would make any person shudder in fear.

"Renesmee is my business!"

After Marco answered, Cada swallowed her saliva. "Leave it, Marco; Renesmee would not want this."

After Marco shoved her hand away, Cada attempted to yank him back. Alice from upstairs vampire speed down.

"Think twice, Jake—it is not worth it."

After witnessing the death-filled vision of him fighting with Marco, Alice said. Given that both of them were intent on fighting, she was correct.

"I'm sorry mr.cullen we're leaving now"

Cada said pulling marco away as he first left to his car. Now that he knew where the dog stench was coming from, he realized that fighting a werewolf would not be worth it, but renesmee was still on his mind.

"Renesmee is my friend; she should be free to choose her own destiny; no one should take that away from her. I do not care about what is going on with Jacob."

Cada looked at Jake, then back at Alice and Edward, exclaiming. As Marco sped off, they left the house and got into the car.

"Marco, do you want to kill yourself? You are not invincible.

Cada roughly spoke as he drove pass her home another 50 meters out the county where he pulled over off the road next panting in anger hitting the stirring wheel.

Based on Cada's wristwatch, it was 9:30 p.m.

"Imprint, you understand what that means, correct?"

"Sycada, I was not born yesterday! I am aware of its meaning for me.

The werewolves call this relationship their "imprint," or life mate. They all typically choose to be lovers, but they can also be brothers or protectors. One cannot help but fall in love with one another.

"So, what will you do?"

"What can I do, Cada?

Marco quickly unlocked his car and slammed the door shut behind him. When the sudden, intense rain started to pour, Cada sighed and followed him.

With his fist clenched, Marco stood braced on the front of the car. He was soaked through to his white shirt, revealing his six-pack abs.

"Marco Even though you may be a hybrid, illness is still possible to affect you! Please get back in the car now!"

Sycada insisted blinking away the rainfall that was running down her face.

"Why are you even here, Sycada? You have to be content, right? Do you not? "

She backed up against the front of the car as Marco asked vampire speed entering her personal space.

"What?" Can not you look at me? That is, after all, the truth.

Elevating her gaze to meet his, he continued, his hand cupping Cada's chin. With his jaws clenched and his heart racing, he dove into her eyes, taking in her heartbeat and swallowing deeply.

"You're pathetic marco, why would I be here for someone who's me"

Pushing him aside, Sycada made her way back into the car's backseat while trembling and dripping. Marco was stabbed in the back by the words that emerged from her mouth.

Marco stepped inside as the door across from Cada's slowly opened. Sycada turned to face the window and sighed deeply as she rubbed her shoulders in an attempt to feel warmer, but it did not help.

The closer Marco gets to Cada, the more crazy he gets, especially when it comes to how she rubs her neck. Marco holds his head while sighing deeply and tries to quell the growing thirst.

After following Renesmee's advice and consuming only animal blood, he is now unable to find an anchor.

"Come on, Marco, it is just Sycada, that is what she wants," he told himself.

Cada felt a sting as fangs were driven from behind her neck, causing her eyes to flare scarlet.

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