Preparations for war

Start from the beginning

"Yes, on one condition". Melissa replied sternly.

"I'm assuming it's the same condition you got young Todoroki to sign". Recovery girl replied, recalling how Melissa got Todoroki to sign an NDA before healing him.

"Yes, we'd like them to sign, or at least agree to sign, an NDA about extremis since we don't want it to become public knowledge yet. But their is something else we want". Izuku interjected getting a curious look from the universities resident nurse.

"And what might that be young man, the right to their first borns, cause I doubt Shouta's gonna give have one". She replied with a little joke to lighten the mood.

"No, not their first born, but we do want Aizawa sensei's DNA". Izuku stated causing Recovery girl to given him a confused look until she remembered something.

"You want to reverse engineer Eraserhead's quirk don't you"? She stated bluntly getting a nod from their verdant boy.

"Well you should probably at least wait until he wake up before poking and prodding at his genome". Recovery girl replied who was accepted by the trio and thus they waited.

—back to the present—

"Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed your relaxing time off because your fight isn't over yet". Aizawa stated causing many of the class to pale in fear of another potential attack.

"Because the Sports Festival is in one week". He continued causing a wave of relief to wash over the class, all except one.

"Sir, are you sure that telling us that our fight isn't over is positive for our mental health, also I would think that UA would at the very least postpone the festival as a result of the attack". Iida stated as a stood up and chop the air frantically in frustration.

"Calm down and be quiet Iida, first off there's no need to worry about the festival since I've heard there's going to be 3 times the security this year. Secondly, I find it very appropriate to tell you your fight isn't over since the Sports Festival is a perfect opportunity to showcase your quirks and skills as well as get noticed by pros for your internships". Aizawa explained causing Iida to apologise and sit back down.

Following this there were numerous discussions amongst the class about the festival culminating in Ochaco radiating an aura of competitiveness and making an announcement.

"I'M GOING TO DO MY BEST"! Ochaco yelled with a dark aura surrounding her.

After the morning session was completed as the class was leaving the room they found themselves boxed in by other students, many of whom were from general studies, however it didn't matter who they where since they were now in the path of one explosive blonde.

"Get out of the way you competition scouting extras, your never gonna be as good as me"! Bakugo exclaimed fiercely with a face of cruelty.

"Bakugo do not call our fellow classmates extras it's highly rude"! Iida responded in an attempt to scald the blonde only to be called an extra himself.

It was at this point that 1B showed up to issue a friendly challenge to their rivals with Tetsutetsu at the head of group, he issued a personal challenge to Kirishima over manliness to wit the redhead eagerly accepted.

However this good natured challenge was unfortunately interrupted and ruined by another blonde.

Monoma, who ever since the USJ had been spreading unfounded rumours about 1A, had strolled up to the class with challenge of his own, he proposed that should a student from either class claim 1st place in the tournament section of the festival then the opposing class should reject all the offers they received from pro heroes.

Immediately Momo and Iida, along with Kendo, attempted to get him to rescind the challenge but not only did it fall upon Monoma's deaf ears it fell upon Bakugo's fragile ego ears causing the raging blonde to accept the challenge and threaten everyone their which did no favours for his own class.

Whilst all this was happening most of the class, along with the other classes slowly trickled away to get to their lessons, all except our trio who we're currently on their way to their dorms and personal workshop to finish up some projects for the festival.

—1a dorms—

"So, how goes untangling Kurogiri's genome Melissa"? Izuku asked his friend curiously.

"About as well as untangling Christmas light wires except every wire is a Möbius Strip, it's so frustrating". She exclaimed with a tone of annoyance.

"Well if anyone can do it it's you Meli, so just believe in yourself, I certainly do and Mei certainly does". Izuku replied with a kind smile that reenergised her significantly.

Whilst deciphering his quirk genes was rather simple, the dean and detectives had requested that Melissa discovered Kurogiri's true identity since his face wasn't on any file, but since he's made of other people and his genes look like they had been put through a blender whilst the large NOMU's where just smushed together, it could useful to know who Kurogiri was and who comprised him.

"How are your own projects coming along anyway Zuzu"? Mei asked joining the conversation.

"Pretty good, the NOMU's genes where easy enough to replicate and add to our equipment, it's superhuman strength as significantly increased the Gilgamight gauntlets physical output, and it's shock absorption has increased the energy dispersal efficiency of my force-fields kinetic energy dispersal tenfold and I can expand the barrier to a more significant degree without sacrificing as much durability". Izuku replied jovially.

"What about replicating the cloud man's portals how's that going, can we use it to transfer out babies"? Mei asked with a look on anticipation on her face.

"We're gonna have to wait a bit longer to see if it's viable for mass transportation but I have been able to get small spatial holes to occur". He replied as he presented a set of two small devices and pushed a button. A small hole in space opened above each device, Izuku than tossed a 1 yen coin through it, however as soon as it did the machines burned out.

"Keeping a portal open for any significant amount of time drains energy at an insane rate, we could probably use our reactors to open a personal portal for at most 5-7 seconds before burning out, I think Kurogiri must've had some method of saving energy or he has a powerful dynamo quirk to generate the required energy that's eluded us". Izuku explained as his two friends looked in wonderment and curiosity.

"Oh by the way, Mei how's the anti-quirk device coming along"? Izuku asks curiously.

"It's all done, discerning what wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum was the hard part, but after determining what level of alpha ray is required to interrupt quirk activation replicating Aizawa sensei's quirk was easy". Mei replied with absolute confidence in her ability, physically shown as a proud grin strewn across her face.

"Oh also, Mei how much progress have you made on the molecular rearranger, I sent you all the data I had on Momo's DNA"? He asked his pink haired friend, causing her confidence to waiver.

"I've programmed a new AI to take over the process of manipulating the atomic structure of atoms, but I just can't think of any way of making it work, the nanobots don't interact safely with atoms, I think we need to use some form of electromagnetic manipulation, also I think we need to scan Momo when she makes something to get a better understanding of her abilities". Mei replied in an annoyed tone of voice, slightly defeated and in a slouching position.

"Don't worry Mei, if anyone can do it it's you". Melissa stated with confidence whilst Izuku gave Mei a beaming smile causing the girl to regain her regular pep and bounce.

Our intrepid trio them spent the next week on their projects, hanging out with friends, and war gaming strategies for the Sports Festival. Until finally the day arrived.

—day of the Sports Festival—

"I'm going to beat all three of you"!


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I've started writing the next chapters so hopefully I'll have some stuff to publish soon.

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