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No matter how hard life prepares you for the worst, no matter how many lessons you receive, you are never ready to get close to the end. That's one thing I am certain on, that you will never be prepared in the end.

I'm waiting behind the pens, looking at my brother stretch out and get ready for his ride that's seemingly soon.
"After this place, are you heading back home or sticking with me?" He asked, cutting my wandering thoughts off.
I took a long moment to think before saying, "I think I'm going to go back for about a week catch up on some stuff, then I'll join you again if you tell me where you're heading." I say as I lean against some panels.
He just nods before checking to make sure his vest and chaps are on correctly for what feels like the millionth time. It's not long until it's about time, and I give him a brief hug before going over to the stands that are sectioned off for certain people and take my seat. I watch anxiously as the last few broncs are road for this section and wait as the first few bulls are loaded. Now, this rodeo is way out of my hauling area. I personally don't have any stock being rode here, but my buddy, this is his element. He and I are kind of close, but the dim-wit always seems to chase trouble when my brother's in town.
I look over as Cody Bellferd, my good friend of 7 years, takes a seat, holding 2 funnel cakes and what seems like a mountain of snacks.
"Here ya go, m'lady." He jokes as he hands me a funnel cake that has powder sugar and chocolate drizzled on top. "Are the broncs done after this?" He asks as he makes space for all the shit he's bought.
"I think there's one more after this, then it's bulls." I say before adding, "Thanks for the funnel cake, " with a smile in his direction.
"Oh, no worries, I owed you one from last time." He says, scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh yea, I remember now. You were so drunk during the county fair that you rammed into me while trying to give me a hug, and you knocked it to the ground and all over my boots." I grin at the memory because it was funny after I was finished being mad over my poor funnel cake.
"Yeah, don't remind me, that memory still haunts me at night." He pretends to shudder before ripping pieces off his funnel cake and eating it with his fingers. We settle in silence watching the last bronc ride and making some comments like 'ouch that's outta hurt' and making some quick jokes.
There was a qualifying ride in this brief portion for bulls, and I couldn't believe how loud it got when the buzzer went off, it was like everyone came to life with excitement. There was a buzz throughout the stands and the arena. It was like getting to the most suspenseful moment in a movie, waiting on the edge of your seat, biting your nails. I look over at Cody and he nudges me with his shoulder before saying something along the lines of, 'your dates up next' with a teasing grin.
Before my 'date's' ride, the clown came back put doing a small show for the crowd, from opening up this large bag containing a giant lawn chair. He got to the seat part with some struggle before doing some jokes and eventually getting carried off by 'security' which was just a bunch of boys. And just like that with departing chuckles, the next ride was about to begin. I watch carefully as he rubs his hand up and down the bull rope before sticking it in a tight fist.
He wiggles around for a second, adjusting before giving the ready sign, the infamous nod, and the gates opened. This bull is not making it easy for my supposed date for tonight, from doing tight spins to hard bucks. He has skill, both my date and the bull. As the bull keeps thrashing around the buzzer goes off again and yet again this humid night is ignited with joyous cheers and whistles as he dismounts from the bull.
The announcer starts talking, "what an impressive ride from Dallas Briggs, scoring an 89.75!" When he said this the stands went wild. I hope none of them have anything important tomorrow because they might not have a voice after screaming so much. Although this was a bonus for me, I now knew my fake date's name! I'm trying to be optimistic about this, and I'm happy that the crowd loved him because he's the only one I actually enjoyed being next to in that crowd. Believe me I'm not basing it off looks, but he was the only one who seemed to be in the same boat as me.
About three rides went after him, not reaching eight seconds, usually getting close but getting bucked off, then it was my cocky brother's turn. I instinctively scoot forward, and lean forward staring at the gate he's behind waiting incase shit hit the fan. He repeats the process of every rider get situated, get the bull rope in place, get seated correctly, then nod. He moves with the bull, never leaning to far in when it spins, but he almost got fucked when it abruptly started bucking mid spin. Alas he makes it to the beloved eight and tries to get off. Keyword: tries.
His hands caught in the rope. The bull fighters jump in before I even realized it and are actively trying to get the rope undone while he's being dragged about the arena. When the guy on the left finally gets the rope undone and off my brother scrambles away. Theres been close calls like this before but they always have me on edge because I'm the only person from our family with him on this trip and if he gets hurt. Well that would just be a shit show.
I let out a breath as I see my brother made it the side on the arena rolling his shoulder in circles as he awaits to hear his scoring. He gets a sold 87 points from tonight's judges. I could care less about the score, I just want to know if he's hurt and if not then that's great.

At least then my biggest concern was my idiotic brother. Now I'm stuck in this truck staring at a picture on my dash of us three idiots laughing with mud all over us. I wish my biggest worries were still my brother and not the shards of glass in my arm.

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