Y/n pov
I looked outside, I couldn't stop thinking about the team. If they were okay, if Miko had told the team, 'Relax now, my champion.' Primus beamed, 'you may need to fight to get home, but trust me, when you succeed you'll won't have to worry.' Primus, with all do respect I haven't had a real fight since you and I fought.
I could hear him sigh, I closed my eyes.
'Y/n, I understand that. You're power exceeds that of me, and your connection with the mind stone, can come in handy.' Primus said.
'And I'll fight you in your sleep tonight, and see if you're still worthy.'
I smiled, sam looked at me like I was crazy.
"You okay, y/n?" Sam asked, I nodded.
"You sure?" "Yeah, just got distracted." I said, sam nodded.
"Lil lady, how exactly did you get your powers?" Jazz asked, Sam gave the steering wheel a glare.
"Uh....I don't want to talk about it..." I said,
'Y/n, you should really talk about hydra with someone.' Primus stated, Primus, I don't want to talk about it nor will I until I'm ready. I thought, while glaring daggers out the window.
Jazz noticed this and I could feel a shudder.
"How's your leg?" I asked, sam looked at me.
"Good, actually. Thanks for helping me." Sam said, I smiled at him.
"I'm sorry what? Did you heal his leg or something?" Jazz asked, I nodded.
"You can do that!?" Sam and I chuckled at his response.
After a while of driving(jazz following behind Optimus) we finally stopped, we were i the middle of a desert jazz transformed and put me and sam down.
Ratchet and Optimus were huddling near each other whispering under theirs breaths.
Optimus looked calm, ratchet looked a bit panicked.
Jazz and been were talking. I was leaning against a boulder.
Sam was sitting next to me, he had his head on my shoulder, and his breathing and mind was calm. I smiled, knowing he was okay.
He and I were drifting off to sleep.
I opened my eyes, to see a blossom tree and long soft green grass, I smiled. Primus as usual came out from behind the blossom tree.
"My champion, as I promised we shall fight." Primus said, I missed this. I said, Primus transformed his arm into a sword and got into his fighting pose.
I readied up my power and swung me hands to the side letting my power glow.
Primus charged at me, and I held up a barrier of red energy and blocked it. I turned it and flung Primus backwards.
Primus coughed, he stood back up immediately and I locked eyes on him.
I put my hand out and slowly bring it up, Primus lifted up into the air, he let out a grunt, I turned my hand into a fist, and his armor fell apart.
Primus turned his hand into a gun and shot at me, I used my other hand and blocked all of them.
He raised his hand which meant he gives up.
I smiled and put him down slowly and softly.
He gasped, and sighed.
I walked over to him, "I'm sorry," I said and I held out my hand for him.
He looked up and smiled, "don't be sorry, you proved my point, you are ready and worthy." Primus stated, he took my hand and lifted me onto his shoulder. "Goodbye, y/n." He said, and I woke up.
Everyone was either powered down or asleep
I looked at Sam who was still asleep.
His dreams were calm and relaxing, I'm glad he can be happy.
Sadness filled me as I thought about how he helped me and how I love him, and in return I shall leave him.
Primus could probably feel my sadness, but he didn't say anything, ratchet was just getting up, he transformed and stretched.
He looked around at everyone and then his eyes landed on me.
He took out his hand and motioned for me to come over to him, I started to move and set Sam into a comfortable position on the boulder. Then I walked over to ratchet.
I looked up at him, he knelt down and put out his hand, I got on and he whispered, "I want to test something with you." He walked over to a canyon, "I'm going to sit here, and you will sit here." He said, he put me on top of canyon and he was at the bottom, he sat down, "you're a telepath, right? Try and come into my mind." I nodded and looked at him.

Ratchet pov
I sat down, the human femme looked at me as her eyes glew a bright red. Then nothing happened. I was disappointed then I turned around and everything was different instead of being in the desert I was in a forest at night.
Everything around me looked bigger, I looked at my hands and I was human.
"What?" I said out loud, it sounded off.
Like I was taking through a radio.
"Hello, ratchet." I turned around and I saw y/n, she was standing with her hands inside her red jacket pockets.
(Btw the outfit you're wearing is the one in the title)
"He powers you hold is incredible!" I said smiling. Optimus always said me smiling was a very rare thing.
She smiled, "goodbye." She said, when she said that the floor underneath me broke and I feel through, everything was black and I was falling, but i didn't feel panicked I felt calm.
Right before I hit the ground I was back in the desert the real world. Y/n was smiling down at me as I looked at me hands to make sure I wasn't human.
"That experiment went perfectly." I said, she looked at with panic. "This was an experiment!?" She asked, I nodded and went to get her down.
She jumped down and she landed in my servo.
I smiled down at her and put her on my shoulder plating.
She leaned on my neck cables. I continued walking back to the team, Optimus was powered on, and he was next to bumblebee and jazz probably stopping them from fighting.

Sam was sitting down by the boulder he was awake but it moving.
Y/n saw him and she jumped down. She used her powers to help her land.
She walked over to same and sat down in front of him. They started talking but I couldn't hear them.
I walked away from everyone and I took a look at my data pad.
I read the information carefully for the fifth time.
Megatron had made a huge machine to get dark energon with is a myth, into his spark.
This would require a massive amount of energy and if he succeeds this whole world will be doomed.
I kept thinking about a way we could override the machine or stop Megatron before he even got the chance to turn on the machine.
I sighed, Primus please help me. I thought as I got hit by something. I turned around to see bumblebee and jazz shooting at each other and Optimus on the side shaking his helm, I could tell he tried to calm them down but couldn't.
They kept shooting at each other, and when jazz hit bumblebees arm the gun shot at y/n and sam, y/n used her power to create a barrier and deflected the shot.
She dropped the barrier and glared at the two bots and tilted her head. Her eyes faintly glew red, the twos optics glew red and they both walked away from each other and sat down.
They're eyes were normal now and they were confused on how they had got to were they were.
Optimus looked at y/n in shock, I'm pretty sure I was looking at her that same way.
She turned back to Sam, and asked him something. Sam smiled, and he said something.
She looked at me, and smiled.
I smiled back at her, jazzes demans fell open and bumblebee was at lost for words.
Optimus was smiling too.
I guess he was happy I was smiling.

———-time skip to night(cause I'm experiencing writers block)———-
Y/n pov
I sat next to Sam, he was tired, but he couldn't fall asleep, because Optimus was explaining a plan to sneak into megaton's base and stop him from using a machine, the same machine Primus told me about.
"I know neither of you asked to be apart of this war. But this plan cannot be done without you both." Optimus said; he was knelling down to me and Sam.
I looked at Sam to see if he was okay with this plan.
Basically the plan was Sam and I  can sneak in through the cracks of the ship, I can use my telepathy to get some cons to open the door and shut down the weapon system. Then they take care of the rest. That's not gonna happen. I thought, 'yes, if you don't get the cons to turn on the machine, you'll be stuck here and you'll fade.' Primus said back to me.
"No shortcuts, no defects, and no changing the plan. Understood?" Ratchet said, sam nodded and i nodded too.
Knowing damn well I was lying.
Ratchet transformers and so Did everyone else. Bee opened his door for Sam and I.

They all drove fast, faster than my universes bots.
I looked out the window and tried to collect my thoughts.
'Y/n, I understand that leaving Sam is going to be hard. But you have one of two options to choose from.' Primus stated, what are those? I asked, now looking at Sam.
'You could make it look like you died. Or you can just tell them.' Primus said, I think making them believe I died would be cruel, but if I tell them, they may not trust me. I informed Primus.
'I can understand your worries, but do what you think is right.' And with that he stayed silent. Still looking at Sam, I realized telling them that there are other universes could make them paranoid, making them believe I died wouldn't make sense. Maybe, if I okay my cards right, or atleast that's what Jack used to say. I can not tell them about universes or make them believe I died.
Sam looked at me and saw me staring at him, he smiled and I smiled back. Sadness once again filled my heart.
Leaving is going to be the hard part, but doing is the easy part. I remembered that I had something in my pockets that I never left without. The mini disc player, rye mini disc and and earbuds.
I pulled them out and played it, listening to the music made me remember why I NEEDED to get home, my friends.
Sam looked at me confused, I pulled one earbud out, "listen." I said, he obeyed and put it in his ear. He smiled "This is a great song." He stated, I smiled. "Where'd you get this?"
I looked at Sam directly in his eyes, "friends." I said, sam smiled, "good to know you actually talk to people when I'm not around." He said, I rolled my eyes at his comment which made him chuckle.
": are you two ready?:" bee beeped, I nodded and Sam who was catching on to bees beeps, nodded as well.
Bee opens his doors, and we started to walk over to the cracks. "Be careful." I said to Sam, "you too." He replied.


Word count : 2850

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