Pt 16

140 5 0

Bee pov
I have been driving all night, the sun was just rising when I got to the location where Optimus' location had popped up. Sam had just woke up, y/n was awake too, she'd been awake for a bit now. I transformed and held the two in my servos. I put them on my shoulder plating. Sam being half awake shielded his eyes form the sun and y/n was fine. So I walked around the canyon, it was a cave like canyon, and it looked as if a fight had accord. There was energon on the floor and the rocks were cracked like giant hands tried crushing it.
I looked in the Sandish rock ground and could see a faint outline of tire tracks, they were barley even visible.
"Are you ready?——for—-more—-drive?" I asked, Sam yawned and nodded, y/n gave me a confident smile and a thumbs up.
I put them both in my servos and transformed.
And I continued to drive with the two human friends I had made.

(Y/n) pov

Is it just me or is it hot? I mean bee didn't even turn on his fans. But sam looks fine he's not even sweating, "are you okay, y/n?" Sam asked, he looked concerned, I mean i would be too if I saw my girlfriend shaking her leg and sweating and looking as if she will pass out.
I nodded, "just a little hot." I said, sam now looked even more confused. "It feels normal right now y/n." Sam put his hand to my forehead then he quickly retracted it and gasped, "you're burning up." He stated, bee heard our conversation and he turned his fans on probably hoping it will help. I still felt hot but i was cooling down a bit.
"Y/n?" Sam asked, he had noticed me looking blanking at something.
I don't get it. First bee doesn't know me, then Bee said he's never been to Nevada,  and bee looks different.
Now I feel weird, hot, dizzy, shaky.
What is going on?
"Y/n!" Sam yelled, snapping me back to reality.
I looked at him and he looked at me, he kept looking me up and down, he probably noticed my shaking.
"Do you know, about the fresh prince of bel air?" I asked sam, me and him were the same age so he should have heard of it.
"What is that?" Sam asked, I looked down.
My leg started shaking faster, I looked back up and everything was frozen.
Like everyone was still and not moving, bee had stopped Sam looked at me blankly.
"You're in the wrong universe, my champion." A very familiar voice said.
"Primus, what happened?" I asked him, "well, when you went back to your home and Silas visited you, you got angry, so very angry." Primus stated, I looked down. "Don't be ashamed, my child. Anyone under that circumstance would be angry too. You teleported prime to base but you used so much of your power, that you threw yourself through many universes so fast you didn't even see them." He said, I looked at him.
"And when you did so you fell into an alleyway, you were passed out for days, I tried to wake you up but your power was able to resist me. Until you woke yourself up, and you thought you just got there. You tried to call for me, I could feel it, but your magic wouldn't let me help you, I don't know why." "How do you know everything when you couldn't even visit me?" I asked, Primus hummed. "I could watch you but I couldn't contact you in anyway. You figured out how to release yourself of grief and anger. But you still have some in you, and I believe since when you teleported through universes your anger and grief were in control. But if you stay here longer you'll fade, you'll never exist, I would assume that anyone without your powers would have faded already. But you are already experiencing some symptoms. Dizziness, the feeling of being hot, and shaky."
I couldn't explain how I felt, scared, confused and really dizzy.
"How do I get back?" I asked, "I believe a great amount of power mixed with yours will send you home, but I can't be sure."
Primus said, I nodded, "one more question." I said, "how exactly are we talking?" Primus knelt down "I had to make you pass out, so right now we're in a dream, when I wake you up, you won't feel the symptoms. I'll try to get power to you as much as I can, go my champion. And be careful." Primus said, he out his servo on my head and I woke up with a start.
Sam flinched, "are you okay!?" Sam asked, we were still inside of bee driving. ":y/n? Are you okay?:" bee beeped at the same time as sam.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I said sitting up, sam was hugging me he let go embarrassed.
"Y/n, you asked my about the fresh prince of bel air, what exactly is that?" Sam asked, "it's a show, I used to watch." I stated, sam nodded, "why would you ask me about that in a situation like this?" Sam asked, "I wanted to know, and I got my answer." I said. Sam nodded, I looked at the steering wheel, I couldn't stop thinking about how I'll get home.
I hate the bots for doing what they did, but at the same time I love them, they're the closest thing it family I've ever had, especially Jack and Miko. Raf reminds me of b/n, and I really want to see them again.
I got lost in the memories I've shared with the team, I even got ratchet to enjoy my company a bit, I remember the time Miko gave my boba, it was delicious!! I was drinking it fully and Miko was smiling at me. She also gave me a music suggestion from the slash monkeys, it was good and I still have the disc, I had to get raf to make it a disc. I keep it in my pocket, Raf made it into a mini disc. And he gave me a mini player too.
I smiled at the thought of them, like one time I had a nightmare about hydra and Jack comforted me and didn't even ask what the nightmare was, he even let me sleep with him.
Raf had taught me how to play video games, racing games mostly, and after a while I was even better than him.
The bots and I going on missions, I sighed I hated going on missions with them, and I know protecting the world stopping decepticons, sounds great and all but after the missions in hydra and all the killing, you kinda stop liking missions.
I remember watching other agents like me, getting out on the chair and their screams of pain. I even remember my screams of agony, the pain that was shot through my body over and over again, the shots they gave me. The training, I remember they had made me obedient and lost my emotions, I did what they told me with no question, no struggle, no complaints. No nothing.
I remember the cell I was kept in, I remember the hole......
I remember how many times I was in the hole before I was obedient. 1467 times.
'My champion, don't be thinking about those times in hydra, think positive thoughts'
Primus' voice echoed in my head, how did you know what I was thinking? I asked him through my thought.
'When I made you and I have that conversation I got scared that your powers will over take me again, so I put a connection on mine and yours mind. So I can hear everything you think you can here every thing I think. I feel everything you feel, and so on.'
I looked up at Sam and kissed him, I wanted to test something, 'yes I can feel that.' Primus Stated, sam look bewildered and I just smiled.
And patted his head.
Bee made a noise causing Sam to jump.

'Y/n, you know that before you get home you must-' Primus went on, break up with him, yeah I know..I cut him off.

Word count : 1404

Word count : 1404

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