Chapter 1

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"We were talking about what clothes should we wear for the club", Izzy said,coming to my rescue.I smile gratefully at her and she simply nods,winking at me.
"Oh,nice.I can't wait to see in you in that beautiful dress tonight,Clary"Jace said,smiling at me.
I awkardly avoid looking him in the eye,feeling guilty for lying to him and for cheating on him with Alec.
Out of the corner of my eye,I see Alec looking at both of us.If looks could kill
then Jace would be dead by now.
If he had found out that me and Alec kissed,he probably would never have forgiven us and would have felt betrayed by both of us.
He kissed me,and I had to kiss him back,because I didn't want him to suspect anything.
He tried to deepen the kiss,but I didn't let him.I didn't want to hurt Alec's feelings.

I didn't want to hurt Alec's feelings

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"What's wrong?"Jace asked me worried.
"Nothing,I am just tired" I told him.
"Oh,ok.See you later,Clary"he told me ,kissing my forehead.
Alec also left the room,without saying anything to me. He was very jealous and angry.I could sense it.
" When Jace kissed me,I didn't feel anything.He tried to deepen the kiss,but I didn't let him" I told her.
"Really?What about your kiss with Alec?Did you feel something?" Isabelle asked me.
"Yes."I told her,blushing.
"Then what are you waiting for?You should tell him!"
"I can't .I don't think he wants to speak to me or see me"
"Don't be silly.He likes you" Izzy told me,smiling.And I think he was jealous of Jace.It was pretty obvious.
"If I talk to him,we will probably end up making out again"I told her,embarrassed
"And that's a bad thing?"
"It is,because I have a boyfriend.Remember?"
"You can't avoid your feelings forever.
Just talk to him"
I took a deep breath and knocked on Alec's door.
He opened the door for me and told me,in a serious voice:
"We need to talk"
I nod,taking a seat next to him.
"I don't know what to do,Alec.I care about both of you and I don't want to hurt you."
"I know.Clary,be honest with me.
Who do you like more?Me or Jace?"
He asked me,stroking my cheek gently,looking into my eyes.
I could get lost in them.
"I think you already know the answer" I whispered,blushing.
He smirks at me,wrapping his hands around my waist,pulling me closer.
"Alec,we can't.And you promise me you won't kiss me again" I told him,taking his hands off my waist.
He looks at me,disappointed and hurt.
"Is that what you want?"
"Of course not.But I..we..can't"I told him,stumbling over my words.
He smiles at me,whispering in my ear:
"Then tell me what you want"
"I want you to kiss me.But we can't.
It's dangerous.What if Jace sees us?
What if we get caught?"
"You are so cute,Clary.I can't control my feelings any longer" He told me,smiling
He wraps his arms around my waist,pulling me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck.We look into each other eyes,without saying anything to each other.
He smiled at me.
Then he did it.He kissed me again.
For the second time.The kiss was sweet and brief.I could feel his tongue on my upper lip,waiting to get access.
I opened my mouth and he slipped his tongue inside.My tongue was playing with his.He tasted so sweet. Our tongues swirled around one another.
"We should stop.We are playing with fire" I told him,after a couple of minutes.
"You are right" He told me,catching his breath.
I left his room,without saying anything to him.At least now he knows that I really like him.But what about Jace?If I break up with him he will think that something is wrong and he will want to know the reason for the break up.What did I get myself into?
My cheeks were flushed and my hands were trembling.
"Let me guess:You two ended up making out" Izzy told me,giggling.
I nod,blushing.
"And the bad thing is that I asked him to kiss me.I don't know what to do,Izzy.I can't control my feelings"
"I think you should tell Jace that you are in love with Alec.But you should skip the part where you two kissed."
"But he will hate us and he will hit Alec"
" If you hide the truth it will be even worse.The truth always comes to light.Eventually,he will move on."
"I hope you are right.At least I won't feel guilty any more."I told her,sighing.
Exactly,at this moment, Jace came to the door,smiling from ear to ear.
"Hi,babe"He told me,kissing my cheek.
"Hi!We need to talk" I told him.
"I think we should break up"
"Why?Did I do something wrong?"
He asked me surprised and hurt.
I could see pain in his eyes
"No,it has nothing to do with you.It's me.I am in love with someone else"I told him,avoiding looking him in the eyes.
"Who?I think these feelings can go away.We can make it work,Clary.Please give me a chance".
"I am in love with Alec"I told him,embarrassed.
"What?But he is my brother!"
" I know.And I am sorry. You are wrong.I can't control my feelings any longer"I told him.
"Did he seduce you?"he asked me angrily.
"No!He didn't!"I told him.
"I am going to kill that bastard.He stabbed me in the back.He stole my girlfriend right under my nose."
"No,please,don't.Leave him alone"
He opened Alec's door,without knocking and punched Alec in the face.
I could see blood coming out of his beautiful mouth.
"No,please,stop it.You are hurting him"I told him ,grabbing his arm,stopping him.
"Clary,stay out of this.This is only between me and him,Jace told me
Jace was furious .He slaped me,and I could feel my cheek,twitching.
Alec was shocked,because Jace never hurt me.
"Don't you dare lay a finger on her!"Alec told him,punching him.
"You should choose ,Clary.Me or him?"Jace asked me.
"Please don't make me do this"I told him,crying.
To be continued...

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