❤️"I have to tell you something. . ."💌

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Argos X Mr. Plant - "I have to tell you something. . ."


Description: Argos discovers that he has Little Space Syndrome and desperately tries to find a way to tell Mr. Plant about it without sounding "weird" as he explains it. However, once Argos finally tells Mr. Plant that he is a Little, Mr. Plant becomes protective over Argos when he goes into Little Space and makes sure he doesn't get hurt or do something stupid and Mr. Plant ends up becoming Argos' caretaker.

Extra: In this AU Mr. Plant and Argos live together in a small house in the void and they each have a separate bedroom. Mr. Plant speaks to Argos using ASL or simple gestures like giving him head pats since he often dislikes using his voice and Argos has a mini garden in their house where he keeps all of his flowers at.

Key: 👁️ = Argos | 🌼 = Mr. Plant | "Italicized Text" = Speech | 'Italicized Underlined Text' = Thoughts

(Art By - *whydoestheworldgoround on Tumblr)



  I'm laying on my bed while I doodle little drawing of my amazing boyfriend in a sketchbook to try and make myself forget my current problem.

  You see, I recently discovered that I have Little Space Syndrome. So often times as a coping mechanism, I revert back to a child-like mindset. Which means that I act more like a kid. And this happens to me a lot when I'm overwhelmed or really stressed out.

  Which also happens a lot.

  So, when I realized I was a Little, I also realized I have to tell my boyfriend. And I'm scared of how he's going to take the news. "What if he thinks I'm weird for it? Or what if he thinks I have serious issues?" I ask myself in a panic.

  After thinking for a bit I eventually go over to my mini garden and start to talk to the plants to calm myself. "And, I'm still struggling to find a way to tell him about it. . ." I say to all of my precious little flowers. One of my flowers -which is unnamed- said to me, "Well, maybe you could start the conversation through a note? Or, you could find an activity to do together and find a way to incorporate what you want to tell him?" I think about what they said before I nod and smile nervously. "O-Okay, I'll try that. Thank you," I tell the flowers before I start to walk to my bedroom.

  -Time Skip Some Hours-

  I stretch my arms and yawn as I put down my pencil and look at the alarm clock on my desk.

  3:41 a.m.

  I've been up all night trying to write the perfect note to give to Mr. Plant to ask him if we can go on a mini date at the mall. We haven't gone on a date in a while and I feel like it would be a great way to tell him the news.

  I proof read the letter before I put it in an envelope and slide it under Mr. Plants bedroom door for him to find in the morning. I walk back to my bedroom and change into shorts and a tank top before I crawl under the soft bed sheets and falls asleep, still thinking of different ways our conversation might go.

  I wake up the next morning, stretch out my arms and legs, then get out of bed and get dressed before I head off to work as the voids Mail Carrier.

  As I walk my usual route through the void and my shift comes closer to its end, I start to panic as I wonder how my boyfriend reacted to the note. Or if he even saw it. I go to my last house of the day and put any letters, notices, etc. into the mailbox before I start to walk back to the post office with outgoing mail so it can be sorted out for me to deliver tomorrow.

👁️Eye Love You🌼 | Argos X Mr. Plant | ♡Oneshots & Headcanons book♡Where stories live. Discover now