2| Sunshine

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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


After a school bus ride, one other bus ride and a layover, we've finally made it to our final ride. The next stop we make will be Montreal. Once we start driving again, we'll only be about forty five minutes away from our destination, according to Mrs.Green.

As we made it back on the bus, I attempted to sit next to someone other than Tate. I'm not sure that I can put up with sitting next to her for much longer.

"Luna, what are you doing?" Mrs.Green suddenly appeared next to me. Oh, god.

"Um...sitting down?" I looked up at her with a mix of confusion and annoyance.

"Luna, I thought I made myself clear. You must stay with the person you sat with on the last two busses." why was she paying attention so closely?

"But-" I was prepared to argue, as what she was saying made zero sense.

"You know what, fine. I'll go to my seat." I gave Mrs.Green a fake smile and rolled my eyes when she wasn't able to see my face. God, I can't stand her.

As I walked to the back of the bus, where Tate was sitting, I saw her looking at me with her taunting smile. She's so annoying.

"What the hell are you smiling about?" I slid into my seat by the window and her green eyes met my brown ones. She brushed a dirty blonde curl away from her face before answering.

"You trying anything to not sit next to me. It's hilarious." she flashed her bright smile and chuckled in amusement as I ignored her and pulled my phone out to text my best friend, Blake.

Why did you have to take Spanish instead of French.? Ugh.

Blakey 🤍🎸
It's easier.
Is your bestie bothering you 😂

Shut up 🙄
She's anything but my bestie!!

I typed the last message before leaning against the window of the bus and popping in my headphones. I decided that now would be the perfect time to drown everyone out with some Frank Ocean and read a good book.

I looked over at Tate who was writing in a small notebook. Occasionally, I stole glances at her notepad to see what she'd been writing about. I was only able to catch a few of the words, she seems to be writing poetry. Whenever she catches onto me staring, she turns the book slightly away from me. Her poetry probably sucks anyway.

I began turning my attention back to my book and indulging into the love of Augustus and Hazel. My phone vibrated indicating a text from Blake. I chose to ignore it for now as he's probably making fun of me for having to sit next to Tate.

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