Kirishima x reader

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You were pacing around your room and if anyone happened to walk in, they would know that you're upset. Why were you upset? Well it was your boyfriend, Ejiro felt as if he was distancing himself from you. He was his normal self around the others! So why not you? Were you being too clingy? Did you talk too much? You were unsure but you knew it had to have something to do with you...

As you were pacing back and forth, you suddenly heard a knock at the door, walking towards it in hopes that it was your were instantly crushed when you realized that it was, in fact, not him..instead you found that it was one of your best friends, Mina. She spoke "hey [your name]! You've been cooped up in this room all day! Are you okay?" You sighed and said "no..I'm actually not okay. " as much as you hated opening up to people, you felt as if it was necessary to move on, maybe even find a solution to your problem. Mina sat you on your bed and you began to talk about your problems and she listened.
"Okay [your name] you want me to tell you a way you could maybe resolve this or did you just want to vent to me?" You wanted whatever was going on to be fixed so you picked the first option...she then smiled lightly and grabbed both of your hands then spoke, " You should talk to him. I know you're not a big fan of confrontation but it would really be the best choice" you nodded, understanding what she meant, " thank you Mina" you smiled lightly.. she let go of your hands and patted you on the back, "no worries [your name]! I believe in you!"

When you had gotten to your boyfriends room, you hesitated to knock, but you pushed those negative thoughts away and tapped the door. From the inside you could hear a light "it's open!" You felt that warm feeling you always got whenever he spoke but you disregarded that feeling and walked in. As you walked in, Kirishima spoke, " hey! Who is-" he cut himself off as he noticed it was noticed his smile faltered when you both had made eye contact. You sighed and began speaking "Eijro..can" He began to look nervous but he still replied with a short 'yeah'. You came in and sat down on his bed, sitting next to him, you shyly spoke saying " well what I wanted to talk ab-" he cut you off abruptly and yelled "I'm sorry!" With his hands clasped together and eyes shut. You were confused at his sudden outburst, you asked "what do you mean?" He shyly looked up towards you, " I'm sorry for avoiding you! It's just that..." he looked away again "I just feel like I'm not good enough for you would be better off with someone else.." you were shocked, you grabbed his face, lifting it up, and squeezing it lightly.."Baby..what made you think that?" " well I've noticed our other classmates looking at you..I know they like you! And the way they look at you..I can't help but feel jealous! I thought that if I distanced myself away from you, you would then leave me and be happier.." You frowned, you didn't know the boy felt this way. Still lightly holding his face you kissed him, "Eijro, look at me." Once he did you spoke again, " I love you. I fell in love with you. I want you to understand that I'm never leaving you, I'll be with you forever. I love you, okay?" He started tearing up and hugged you tightly, "I love you too [your name]! I love you so much!" You smiled and kissed him again.

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