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(A/N That is Tad Strange in the photo up top)

Dipper entered the mindscape portal and burst into tears, overwhelmed by everything that had occurred that day. He had discovered that his family was not his own, his nemesis was his father, and his supposed "family" had been deceiving him. 

Bill noticed Dipper's distress and consoled him, assuring him that he was safe with him. Dipper was surprised when Bill addressed him as "little Sapling," as he had recently been having recurring dreams that he now realized were memories of his birth.

Dipper looked intently at Bill, his eyes filled with uncertainty. He mustered the courage to ask, "Can you please tell me my real name?" Bill replied confidently, "Your name is Dominic D. Cipher."

As Bill told further details about the teen's past, memories gradually flooded back. He remembered every moment from birth to his first word and even when Stanford took him away. Given his recent return, Dominic refuses to leave his father's side.

Upon entering Bill's house, Dominic was starstruck with awe at his surroundings. Bill graciously escorted him to his room on the upper floor, where a sight of beauty awaited them. The room had walls of a deep forest-green hue, a king-size bed, a desk tucked away in one corner, and a balcony that overlooked the scenic view outside.

After Dominic had settled in, his father introduced him to Tad Strange, his uncle, who was quite peculiar in appearance. Despite his towering stature, Tad's striking lavender hair and square eyepatch gave him an intriguing air. Tad's exposed eye was a brilliant green, and he was wearing a deep purple suit. Tad caught Dominic's eye and smiled broadly. "Dominic! Bill's family were so happy to hear you were back!" 


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