Chapter 17: Welcome to New York 🗽

Start from the beginning

Bizzie scoffs, "I'm not pregnant, Y/n. You'll see. You can't rely on those pregnancy tests."

"Like I said exciting day tomorrow!" You snuggle more into Chris's chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat slowing down and steadying as you rubbed his chest, and then settled for holding his face.


The next morning Bizzie is up and ready in the kitchen while you bring yourself down the stairs with bed hair, and a sleepy face.

You begged her to stay last night, you didn't want her to be alone. So of course she stayed, but as last night showed, she couldn't sleep and slept in your bed with Chris.

Chris is used to having sleepovers with Bizzie since you guys were young. One time you guys even slept over on the beach that one senior trip to Cape Cod. After Bizzie got you and Chris drunk.

"Morning," you smile big at your best friend who's about to gift you a godchild, and you couldn't be anymore excited.

"Stop smiling," Bizzie grumps, reaching for milk in your fridge, and pouring some into a bowl where some fruit loops were recently poured into.

"I just...there's a possibility that there's three of us in this kitchen right now and I just can't wait to find out for sure!" You can't help but squeal, you're so ready to be an Aunt. And the best godmother this baby will ever have.

Maybe this is how things were supposed to happen...maybe the universe wants you to practice a little first...swim in the Aunt/Godmother pool first before you dip into the pool of motherhood. And you know what... you're completely okay with that.

"I am not pregnant, Y/n," Bizzie states again, "I can't be. I just...can't."


"Well, Beatrice, it looks like you are pregnant." Bizzie's OBGYN breaks the news to you, and Bizzie.

Chris decided to stay in the car, he didn't want to overstep or make Bizzie uncomfortable or anything. Sitting in the car was a mistake because he's dying to find out if Bizzie got knocked up by some guy she barely knows! He'll be absolutely furious.

"Oh great," Bizzie buries her face in her hands, silence falls on the room.

But the doctor watches you jump up and down beside a nervous wreck of your best friend, silently cheering you smile big, and roam about the small exam room filled with excitement, doing your happy wiggle and dance—all dead silent of course.

Bizzie finally picks her head up, making you stop all your movements and make a sympathetic face to her as if you weren't just dancing about.

For a spilt second she wonders how you got to the other side of the doctor but then it doesn't even matter when she realizes she's going to be a mom.

And that her own mom was going to kill her when she found out.

" far along am I?" Bizzie swallows the dry lump in her throat. Wondering what she ever did wrong to the universe to deserve this.

"A little over 2 months. We can do some more testing, make sure everything is alright. And get you started for ultrasounds?" Dr.Halo smiles kindly, it's not easy finding out your life is going to change soon, drastically too.

Bizzie zones out, and she trembles, she's scared, you know your best friend, but you just want to let her know you're here for every step of the way. She's anything but alone.

"Or...if you wanted to schedule a procedure to be done, I can give you some locations I recommend." Dr.Halo looks at Bizzie, but there's no much reaction to her. If at all. So she looks at you.

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