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i was on my way to the curtius house wondering if Johnny was awake yet and i also wondered if he was going to jail.

al i opened the door i saw pony being lifted up by two-bit and a egg on the floor "aww man look you made me drop my egg" pony complained soon being dropped

two-bit and steve came running up to me and hugged me "y/n! are you okay how have you been" they bombarded me with questions and i could barely answer

as they settled down i joined pony in the kitchen helping him remake his breakfast "look at ol baldy here" two-bit said while walking in a circle around us "lay off guys" pony said "i think we look good" i said complementing us. pony just looked at me while dumb and dumber winked at each

"well they had to get haircuts to look good for the paper about being heros" steve said as he shoved the morning paper in our hands, it read -JUVENILE

DELINQUENTS TURN HEROES.- him and two-bit then went on a rant about how we were heros from the beginning amd how there was going to be a huge rumble

"you mean they're thinking about putting me and soda in a boys home " pony sundly asked i looked at him confused "something like that" Steve replied while combing his hair "No..they can't" pony worriedly said "no" i whispered to myself

"don't worry they don't do that to heros" steve said calming down pony before Darry came up behind steve and lifted him up and dropped him "hi superman" i greeted him. he came beside me and ruffled my hair "morning"

Soda then came running in with a towle "wheres the blue shirt i washed yesterday" he asked before taking a sip of the chocolate milk from the jug "and those jeans" he added "in my closet and hurry up we are gonna be late" darry said "i am" soda yelled as he ran
to the run steve following up behind him we knew a pillow fight would soon occur

i was soon lost in thought as pony and darry talked i didn't want to hear about something sad this earlier i plated ponys breakfast . i soon came back as some oil from the egg popped on me

"you know what when we stomp the Socies good, me and Stevie here are gonna throw a big party and everybody can get stoned. Then we'll go chase the Socs clear to Mexico." soda announced as he sat on the couch "with what money" i asked while sitting down setting ponys plate next to me "ill think of something" i just nodded while looking at him unsure

"you taking sandy to the party" pony asked as be sat down next to me starting to eat . i looked at soda waiting for a answer but there was silence me and pony looked at each other confused.

"no she went to Florida to live with her grandma" soda finally said he was looking at his feet ears red "oh" me at pony said at the same time. there was a long silence before thankfully darry broke it "you two wash the dishes, im sorry for leaving you pony i was thinking about taking time off" "ill babysit " two-bit offered looking at us "both of them" i just looked at him confused

darry just nodded and told us we could go watch a movie or something before we go see dally and johnny he then left with soda and steve

pony was soon finished eating and starting washing the dishes while we all talked and laughed.after me and two-bit helped pony clean the house just incase any reports came by

when we were done we decided to go get a couple of cokes and some snacks before we go see the hospital buddies johnny and dally.

we set off


A/n:so much typing

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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